August 2009
I shall dispense with an opening paragraph per se and get right to something virtually all audiophiles should take a moment and be thankful. J. Gordon Holt was indeed more than just a man. He was a visionary and followed his desires, and as such part of his thirst drove his deeply rooted passion for music. His contributions to the high-end audio industry are impossible to measure, and speaking for everyone here at Enjoy the Music.com we are truly grateful for his diligent work that has helped us all to enjoy the music. As such, there is a very special article in this month's Review Magazine from two of our writers who personally knew him. Wow, i find it hard to type much more after that so will make this brief. In this month's editions of the Review Magazine and Superior Audio we have many world premiere reviews, which as you may recall a few months back i said you may get bored as we will have so many of them. While surfing YouTube i found some really cool videos and so added those to the mix. Am sure there is more that can be said, yet the first paragraph of this editorial deservers center stage. Of course in the end what really matters is that you...