July 2013
Must say this
issue is packed with many
great articles. Of course you want to hear about all the delicious equipment
reviews right..... this..... moment! First up is our review of Cary's new and
amazing Audio Electronics Constellation tubed pre, which is a real stunner for
the money. Then we have two EL-84 based integrated amplifiers with the Triode
Lab EL84TT and visually elegant Eryk S Concept Red King. Our friends at TAS bring you the beautiful Nola Contender speaker and
outrageously good Ortofon MC Anna moving-coil cartridge. Hi-Fi+
has the Marten Django L loudspeaker and Electrocompaniet EMP3 Blu-ray/universal
disc player. Next up is Hi-Fi World
with a great article on streaming music from your computer plus we publish one of
their older articles concerning the legendary Garrard 401 turntable! Lastly we
have HIFICRITIC with the Bully Sound BSC-60s stereo amp and a
revisit of their 100m monoblock plus Paul Messenger chimes in concerning
loudspeakers. Ok, admit i went a bit bonkers in the Lifestyle
And Deign section with some very high-priced items. For fountain pen
aficionados, the just released Porsche Design P'3135 Solid is relatively
reasonably priced. If we then take a look at the mind-blowing MWE Lab Emperor
200 Computer Workstation, with equally mind-numbing price, it makes me wish for
a higher office budget. For those of us who grew up around the 70's, you're
going to simply grin ear-to-ear at the Green Machine. Imaging reliving your
childhood as an adult with a 'toy' equally as grown up! With all that said, there is a distinct theme in
the many think pieces within this month's issue of Enjoy
the Music.com's Review Magazine.
Each of this pieces is well worth your time! You'll also notice we have two very
well-respected 'visiting' writers chiming in! Instead of stating the
obvious, will list the titles of said think pieces below. Panel Discussion On Dealer - Customer Interface Guerrilla Tactics For The Audiophile Home It Is Not A Gang, It Is A Club! The 21st Century Audiophile Skoff'ingUp Food For Thought My Memo To The Industry The last one, My Memo To The Industry, was
actually released mid-June; with record-setting e-mail and PMs on Facebook,
Twitter, various discussion board, etc. Thank you everyone for your great ideas;
they have been many and staggering! In fact it looks as though I created a job
while working at a job. It is also
interesting to note who has chimed in, and who has not to date... and the inner
few who have told me some very interesting going-ons within the industry. Well, that about sums it up for now. Soon the wife and I are off to meet someone very influential within certain industries. Like they say, you never regret getting the very best. And as we all know high-end audio is the very best there is to achieving the ultimate in musical pleasures. Because you deserve the very best! As always, in the end what really matters is that you...