It never ceases to amaze me how diverse and robust the high-end audio industry can be. With the economy finally making its way s-l-o-w-l-y back to "normal", you can hear the optimism in the voices of many who i speak to. Virtually no one would argue that time have been rough over the past few years and we are finally seeing and end in sight. Many of us are truly looking forward to a steady increase in the consumer's awareness in better music reproduction. The battle between Sony and their proprietary SACD format and the industry approved standard DVD-Audio format is actually a very positive event. On one side you have Sony touting their self-proclaimed better music reproduction format while the DVD-Audio camp is doing the same. In the end what truly matters, in my humble opinion, is it gets the consumer aware that music can sound better than the "near CD quality" MP3 compressed audio format. Of course the online pay-for-play revenue stream will not be overlooked by the recording industry who will squeeze every last drop of blood money they can from their revenue stream... even at the expense (in my humble opinion) of true musical enjoyment for the consumer.
Sex Sells This has me wondering, if i took the time to have an incredibly beautiful woman appear fully unclothed within a new advertisement next to some audio gear, how would the advertisement be received? For the time being we have seen other companies have breasts and buttocks in their ads, though what if we at Enjoy the Music.com were willing to take it to the next level? Would you suddenly feel we have lowered ourselves, or would you (possibly secretly) enjoy the advertisement? One may need to look into their own personal belief system as to how such a thing would change their attitude towards us, as the true content within our pages would remain the same. It would only be you who may possibly make a conscious decision in either direction. In the end many vinyl collectors can show you album covers with either nude or nearly nude female models. Does the cover change the sound/music of the vinyl album? Of course not!
Content Is King And no, you will not be seeing Enjoy the Music.com giving away countless "Best Of The Moment Because They Advertise With Us" and "Super Hot Stuff Cuz We Got One For Free" awards. And you should not expect us to make up some list of 100 products twice a year for the purpose of validating your decision to buy a product. You have a mind, a heart and a soul. Only you truly know what is best for you and your system. We are merely here as a guide and to provide information on what we hear, as we hear it. Sometimes taking the high road and answering to a higher authority means quotes from our magazine and awards thereof are not spewed all over advertisements from audio equipment manufacturers. We would rather have it that way because when there is a very rare award bestowed upon a product, you know we truly mean it. Of course in the end what really matters is that you...