February 2013
First, a most humble thanks to everyone for being so very understanding about my recent surgery, subsequent physical relapse, and thus feel you deserve an apology. As much as my desire to attend the Vegas events was strong, my body simply could not muster to move more than perhaps a few hundred feet until nearly total physical exhaustion. Thanks for the many e-mails and well wishes; they were appreciated! Anyone who has attended a show knows to wear comfortable shoes and be ready to walk many miles each day. Obviously this would be impossible and thus stayed home and did everything I could to gather intel and report on all the new products launched in Vegas. If you consider my reporting on nearly 30 products in the pre-show report and 60 more in the main section, the result was not too shabby for a guy who never stood a single foot in Vegas. So what did I do during the past month of
recovery besides
the show coverage, daily industry news, plus site updates including The
Absolute Sound, Hi-Fi+,
Hi-Fi-World, and HIFICRITIC
you ask? Plenty! For the first time in years I found myself with actual 'down
time’. While my 'down time’ was probably more akin to a 'normal’
reviewer’s full-time work schedule, for me there were many hours available for
thought and contemplation. Also, sometimes good timing in life brings you luck.
And as luck would have it, am really happy to announce we have a great writer
returning after his break away from the industry plus two more highly respected
writers coming aboard! First, Jules Colman is back! Jules has been
within the industry for many years reviewing ultra-high-end audio gear. His
authoritative writings will once again be appearing on Enjoy the Music.com, with
hopes of a World Premiere review within the March or April issue! You can see past
reviews from Jules at this link. Another new
writer who has immense experience is Len Schneider. As you may recall, Len Schneider
literally wrote the
book about audio for Rotel and has been very active within the industry for
decades. In fact you can read my book review of Len’s Rotel's The
Ultimate Guide To High Performance Home Theater at this link. Lens
brings with him decades of technical expertise, with concise writings and
excellent assessment of equipment. Lastly, we have from Down Under in Aussie my
friend Luc Allen! I met Luc many
years ago online and we have been friends ever since. Luc enjoys everything from
extremely high-end 300B all silver tube amplification and horn speakers from
Italy to USB DACs and vinyl. Luc may be new to the public as a writer, yet his
many years of experience will easily reveal itself to readers as will his excellent taste in music and
Expansion And thus I want to
enhance my original goal – begun over 17 years ago here at Enjoy
the Music.com – to become a central place for high-end audio
information. So this begs the question just how should this site further expand and
bring more exposure to as many companies as possible within this industry. For starters, this issue
marks the first time we will feature reviews from our partner magazines and link
directly to their site. This way you can read their reviews, buy digital
download and/or subscribe to their print version (if available). I can hear you now saying how dumb that idea is. "Steven you stupid schmuck!" you say. What magazine, either print or online, would actively promote their 'competitors’ in every issue? Well, Enjoy the Music.com can, will, and starting this issue is precisely what we are doing! Enjoy the Music.com will be linking to our partner magazine reviews/articles and, thus, highly promoting them. So again we ask what type of company in their right mind would promote their competition? Enjoy the Music.com. Why? Because it is high time to wake up and realize this industry has grown since those early days of the 1970's with just two tiny print guys jabbing one another like small children.. or fleas arguing over who owns the dog. None of us live in a small
bubble and it is impossible to 'firewall’ readers as much as the bean counters
would like us to 'maximized profits' and never 'dilute your brand'. Ok, we can generally forget the big
conglomerate-owned magazines, as the proverbial red tape is bad enough let alone
dealing with parent companies and perhaps regional managers plus of course a
call to their marketing teams and... As you can guess, been there, done that,
total waste of my time. We have our beloved self-professed "fetishistic
expression" guy Scot 'Part-Time Audiophile' Hull doing terrific work on his
site and he
just got a great gig writing for TAS! Bravo! Adding to that, we have Constantine Soo with his site and
topnotch San Francisco event plus of course Jeff Dorgay with perhaps the most
polished online-only pdf 'zine out there for the high-end lifestyle. Added: The day after this article went online Michael Mercer has joined the many other demented high-end audio writers here on Enjoy the Music.com. Welcome to the Funny Farm Michael...and.... room for one more, honey ;-)
Diversification And Choice
All Aboard!