Welcome the Not So New Guys...
and One "Missing Man"
Article by Steven R. Rochlin
Click here to e-mail reviewer
This month we here at Enjoy the
Music.com would like you to welcome three new writers
onboard. They are not so new as to be considered newbies as their
writings have been seen in other audiophile publications over the years. First up is
Warnke. A guy i personally have great respect for, have hung out with at
shows and he has a great set of ears! Todd brings his very own unique
aspect and down-to-earth opinions to our e-zine. As i have said before on the internet,
beware of those reviewers whose writings appear to be handed down to us from
high upon their thrown... as in reality their thrown is made of porcelain!
Jim Saxon is yet another writer who has left SoundStage!
to join higher ground here at Enjoy the Music.com.
Jim has his own little high-end store in South America where internet usage in
places like Brazil is red hot! Of course Jim has been in the bizz and a music
lovin' audiophool for so long that he remembers when tube gear (valve gear to
our friends on the other side of the pond) was the only choice to quench
one's musical pleasures. As many of you will remember the enjoyable Jimmy Awards
seen elsewhere, very soon we will proudly have the next installment of the Jimmy
Awards here in our very own pages! A hoot and a holler ya'll as these awards are
like no others! Stay tuned!
The third reviewer to join us specializes in music and works for
Japan's most respected name in electronics (Hitachi). While Chuck
Moe has also appeared in web player SoundStage!, he too has decided
to join in on the fun here at Enjoy the
Music.com™. As you can see, we are ever expanding
and plan on announcing more reviewers coming aboard within our pages next
month... plus more magazines join us as well! There is something afoot here at Enjoy the
Awards Missing In Action?
Quite a few of you have e-mailed us wondering where our
awards were for the recent Las Vegas 2001 CES/T.H.E.
Show. Put the blame on me as i was so very busy during the show taking
photos and posting information each day within the Enjoy the Music.com
pages. There simply was no time to truly audition any gear during the
events. Besides, the wise reader will know that shows are one of the worst
places to seriously listen to gear. Anyone who has truly attended many shows
worldwide will be the first to understand this obvious fact. Sure some rooms do
indeed sound good, yet even the best gear can sound lackluster due to show
conditions. Simply imagine packing up your system and having it shipped about
1,000 miles away into a room you only have a few hours to setup and
"tune" as best you can. Dare i tell you about the power problems many manufactures
were experiencing during the recent Las Vegas show? In fact at the September
2000 UK show the power
actually shut off a few time leaving many rooms without any power and attendees
in the dark (literally)! Regardless, we do have more Las Vegas 2001 show reports
for you in this month's magazine by our very own Senior Editor Dick
Olsher, Captain Kool Karl Lozier plus one from
other than resident tube/horn specialist Bill Gaw.
Please feel free to visit the world's most extensive Las Vegas
2001 CES/T.H.E. Show specialty audio report by clicking here. We
provided the largest pre-show report, we have the worlds only complete
listing with links to information/websites of all the manufactures/distributors
who attended the shows and, of course, the largest quantity of photos and
information. We are truly proud to be the #1 resource for virtually live
audiophile show reports with more than any
other internet resource (32 online to date!).
"Missing Man"
It deeply saddens me to report that one of our writers, John Wyckoff, has
recently passed away. He had been struggling with a bad case of Hepatitis C for some time. Those of us who had the privilege to meet John at the recent CES know what a great guy John was. He shall be deeply missed by many of us.
John was survived by his loving wife Colleen and, in a sense, all of us here at Enjoy
the Music.com™. While i can not put into words the sadness
felt upon hearing one of our "family" traveling into the afterlife. i
can only hope they are enjoying a "better place" in the universe with
Myles Davis, Billie Holiday and many other talent musicians. We wish Colleen all
the best as she knows if we can help in any way, we are here for her
today, tomorrow and always.
Thank You My Friends
As i have said before in previous articles, my deepest gratitude
goes out to you, our loyal readers, for helping support our website with
suggestions and constructive criticisms. We here are nothing but a small group
of music lovers looking for a better way to reproduce music. We want to hear from
you! The good, the
bad... and the ugly. If we somehow missed something or you would like to see a
product reviewed within our pages, please feel free to e-mail me by clicking on
my name below. Of course in the end what really matters to us is that you...
Enjoy the music,
R. Rochlin