January 2014 Dear
Mr. Esa Meriläinen, When I
first read about the concept – I was shocked. The right hand rule – says it all – it is the CURRENT that drives the coil of my speakers, and not the voltage applied to it. I learned about this in the eighth grade of elementary school, during
some very basic lessons of physics. Quite a few of us, audiophiles, actually did. Simply for the sake
of passing the exams.
Not excluding the whole audio industry.
Your book has
the potential of shaking the very foundations of the whole audio industry as we
know it... Yet it seems that you are from a totally different industry. How did
this bridging to the audio domain actually take place?
By 17, I had
constructed perhaps a dozen audio amplifiers for various purposes and a heap of
other electronic gadgets from books. Already then I become aware of certain
sonic differences between some amps but of course didn't have the
qualification to explain them. In my student
years in Tampere I had a job that involved assessing circuit topologies for
analog computation, especially multiplication. This also made me acquainted with
the principles of handling signals as currents. After one such working day, as I
was resting at home with my three-way boxes in sight, the idea entered my mind: "What if...?" The next thought then was:
"Actually, why not?" I
immediately realized that the idea made very much sense, and I planned to one
day take the matter into closer consideration. It was,
however, only a couple of years later when I finally took up the issue and made
some first experiments with current-drive. I didn't expect any wonders, but
even from the first cadences I was left frozen and jaw-dropped. It was a
night-and-day difference for the better compared with anything I had heard
previously anywhere. From that moment on, I became really interested and started
to find out more about the subject and apply my knowledge on it. Your background
is academic, yes? Can you tell me something about what you do professionally? Is
there any "link" to the audio domain, or is it more of some kind of hobby? I have an M.Sc.
degree in electronics engineering, but my job occupations are not related to
audio, as there are not around companies who are willing and able to focus on
current-driving. I can also speak more independently and credibly when there are
no affiliations behind. Having said that, my career is not of much meaning here,
nor have I made it public anywhere. I am not a
passionate audiophile in the sense that I would feel a constant need to upgrade
or tune my components or that I would have shelves full of discs. Rather, it is
this one fundamental issue and also some grave misconceptions related to it that
I am striving to make known. As you probably
know... I am already a converted "Believer". But how could you, in few
short words, explain, or at least provide an outline, of the "proof of
concept"? Why "Current" and why is it a "better" way to go? An
electrodynamic transducer is a current-controlled device that in the end is
faithful only to current according to the well-known, unmistakable law F
= Bli. To depart from this plain directive in an accuracy-demanding
application would require strong, scientifically valid justifications, that,
however, nobody has ever presented. Thus, the burden of proof actually lies on
those who choose to disregard the above rule.
So, it seems that all of the high-end audio amplifiers should be current
output amplifiers. Why has the whole industry gone "astray"? How is it
possible that they got it "all wrong"? I would not
even limit current-drive to so-called high-end products. Ordinary listeners
would quite as well benefit from the non-messed-up operation of their speakers.
Virtually all mankind is affected by this misconduct. Actually I am
not suggesting that all audio amplifiers should work in pure current mode.
Subwoofers can do quite well also as they are, as the flaws of voltage drive are
mostly effective above the bass frequencies. I think there
is the ageless problem of human consciousness: to know the truth and still go
with the lie. The fields of science and technology just don't seem to make
exceptions. From an
engineering perspective, despite a couple of reported experiments, there has
been quite nobody to characterize and speak out the real detriments of voltage
drive. In the early days of audio, in turn, development may have been driven
more by cheapness, simplicity and consistency with available technology rather
than by concerns with current purity. We also have to recognize the quality of
the storage and broadcast media of those times and the fact that there were no
spectrum analyzers or computing tools available. What about the
speakers? Is it not that present technology speakers are "optimized" for the
voltage output base amplifiers? Do I need "special" current output
compatible speakers to achieve the best possible results? Speakers
naturally have to be designed to work with the concept. Driver requirements are
also somewhat different. Applying pure current-drive for existing voltage
speakers is not so advisable due to frequency response alteration. From my initial
experiments it seems, that the standard speaker sets fair very nicely, but is
there any potential problem with using "standard speakers"? If indeed –
then is there any simple way by which I could "adapt" such standard
speakers, so as to optimize them for current drive mode of operation? With "standard speakers", the frequency response will be re-shaped according to
the impedance curve which typically means peaking in the bass and crossover
regions. With suitable EQ tools, however, such adaptation may be possible, but
this doesn't yet substitute for a dedicated current design. In general, the
potential of current-drive should never be judged simply by feeding current to
an existing voltage speaker, only to note the boomy bass, as too often is seen
done. Or maybe it is
a question of cost? Maybe it is so
that such current driving amplifiers are more complex to construct, and
therefore more costly to produce? I have built
quite a few without encountering any special difficulties in that. Mostly only
the feedback arrangement is different, and in the basic configuration the
speaker is not tied to the ground. Distortion and other characteristics are very
similar to those achieved in the voltage world. The book that
you wrote about this fascinating topic – Are these experiments a part of your
professional activity, or did you perform them strictly so as to build an "experimental" verification and a foundation for the book? All has been a
professionally qualified, devoted, private hobby, no other parties involved. The
experiments have been performed and the circuit ideas devised in the course of
many years for the sole purpose of this project. Ideas have also continued to
flow and evidence grow after releasing the book. Do you find
time (or "make" time) to listen to good music? What does your personal "stereo system" look like? Do you personally, for your own listening
pleasure, "current-drive" your speakers? Do you Walk the Walk so as to Talk
the Talk? Did you have to "modify" those speakers? Actually I
can't find time to listen as much as I would like. I prefer acoustic
recordings that offer some sort of beauty. Anything with a syncopated beat is
not my way. My personal stereo setup still consists of those projects I have
presented, with a Sony SACD player as the main source. New projects may come,
but not a slightest longing for the "damping factor" school. Is there "anybody out there"? I mean, some company, some producer of audio equipment,
of whom you know that they actually implement, use the current drive philosophy
and apply such a topology into their commercial equipment? Not quite
anything that I could recommend as a whole. There have been some amplifiers
around that provide a special knob to "match" the amp with the speaker;
which is quite obviously only an adjustment of the amplifier's output
impedance within a given range. These can be helpful in experimenting though are
not yet current-drive. When a current
output mode amplifier suddenly "looses" contact with the load... what
happens then? Will the voltage of the output soar sky high up to theoretical
infinity? Is it "safe" to rip out the speaker cable from a current driven
amplifier, while the device is operational? The output
voltage hits its limits as determined by the supply voltages, but this usually
doesn't pose a danger when there are protection diodes in place. It has
happened to me countless times without damages. A short between the speaker
wires is also much less a problem in a current-output amp than it is in
traditional amps. Is it actually
true that the output impedance of such a... modulated current source... if I
may call it – is theoretically close to infinity? Sort of hard to imagine for
the average audio consumer ... In an ideal
current source, the output impedance is infinite. For practical power
amplifiers, it is enough that the impedance is very high compared to the load
impedance. We may define a "current-drive index" as the ratio of the output
impedance to load impedance and use it as a measure of ideality in an analogous
manner to the "damping factor" used for voltage amps. I would expect
that "forcing" a current against the "mechanical" will of the speaker,
of the air pressure, of the elasticity of the suspension, all the possible phase
shifts... could be perceived as a potential source of problems. If I "apply" a voltage – I sort of say: OK, Dear Speaker, so here you have a
voltage and please adapt to it to the best of your capability ... Take your time
and I extravagantly allow you to adapt – with all your lag and all your phase
shifts, to such a new "situation". But applying a brutal force CURRENT –
instantaneously – sort of "forcing" the current to FLOW through the
speaker, to flow AGAINST its WILL – ( the "will" – being the back
electromagnetic force that is "generated" by the coils moving within those
magnetic fields, and many other things) – this seems that it can be a source
of potential problems. Maybe some nasty voltage spikes... or something? Or maybe
– even instability or oscillations? Is there any problem that might arise out
of the fact that we are "forcing" the current to flow? Instantaneously? The amplifier
(voltage or current mode) always sees the speaker as a certain load impedance
and nothing else. That is, the effects of EMF are already included in this
impedance, and there are no such EMF effects that we would need to consider or
handle separately or in the time domain. Thus, the amplifier really knows
nothing about EMF or the various effects that shaped the impedance. It only sees
the resulting electrical impedance and acts on it. When we drive
any impedance by voltage, the resulting current becomes exactly determined by
the impedance, but we can just as well drive the impedance by current in which
case the voltage becomes correspondingly determined by the impedance. In
principle, there is not any difference in the difficulty of driving; it's just
the same linear system turned around.
It has been
written to be useful for varying levels of audiences, and no prior expertise in
the field is necessarily required. The symbology used is as simple as possible,
not referring to the general, difficultly configured symbology of the art. Educated
readers can assimilate the whole content readily; those who are not so educated
but willing to discover the principles of analogue linear systems are provided a
tutorial in the appendixes. However, even without knowledge in math, the message
and instruction can be understood and applied. Correct if I am
wrong, but this is as yet your only one piece of writing on the subject, or are
there other items of literature, that you wrote about this? Or if not, would you
be kind enough too hint on some extra reading, just to get a better
understanding of the whole concept? Will you be writing "more" on these
topics? My website at www.current-drive.info provides some first
reading. A review of the
book with a short description of each chapter can be found at Inner
Audio. Recently, the
EDN network has published my article about
the flaws of voltage drive. (As of today, the second part is yet being
processed.) Hifi & Musik, a Swedish paper magazine, published in their October 2013 issue a four-page article on current-drive based on the book and interviewing me by mail. The heading was "Current, not voltage!". I am also offering a paper about my distortion comparisons to the AES journal, but their stance is yet to be seen.