Reviewer's Bio
Brett Rudolph
I can trace my first stirrings as an audiophile back to my grandfather's love of music and passion for creating the "perfect" reproduction system. In the late '60s/early 70s, here was this system with controls, display connections, and, more importantly, a sound that I can still hear in my mind to this very day. Of course, I was only seven at the time, and while it’s true the system was pretty impressive by the standards of the times, some things changed. Yet, interestingly enough, some of it is making a resurgence and becoming retro. Through high school and undergraduate college, I sought the best possible sound at the price I could afford—usually one step above dreadful. Ultimately, I graduated, married, and finally got my first "reference" system. I can remember the pride of owning that system. There was nothing better for both, but you find the reference system. It started with a Lexicon MC-1. Fast-forward about ten years, and I won't bore anyone too much. I was discovered by two-channel stereo and home theater. My house was full of equipment that I had collected over the years, some dating back to my late grandfather's system. Alas, I got divorced and learned just how important audio and video were in my life. Luckily, about five years ago, I underwent a metamorphosis. I learned that I could not only write, but I could write things that people were interested in reading. Additionally, I found that spending hours in front of my home theater and stereo systems doing reviews for sites on various components, interconnects, accessories, albums, or other items related to mainly two-channel reproduction taught me more and more about how things sounded. I began to learn what sounded "right" and, more importantly, how to describe it for everyone, well, most people to understand. My background has developed into a passion for reviewing audio and video equipment at various performance levels. I am passionate about audiophile equipment and will continue to review it in the future. My favorite review items are cables, DACS, Amplifiers, and preamplifiers. However, if I had to pick a single favorite, it would be cables. They are more work, but they help readers as everyone usually has powerful options, meaning [explanation of what 'powerful options' refers to in the context of cables and how it benefits the readers]. Ultimately, I am a student of audiophile and videophile principles and ideas. It would be incredible if the perfect system was out there and everyone could afford it, but unfortunately, that is not the case. So, my goal in every review I do is to help readers make more informed decisions, learn something about the worlds of audio and video myself, and hopefully teach a little something in the process. From past responses over the last 20 = years from my readership, I have done well so far and look forward to doing even more with Enjoy the Music.com.
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