Mike Marshall And Caterina Lichtenberg Mike Marshall is a jazz cat while Caterina Lichtenberg is classical kitten. Together they play classical pieces by Bach and Leclair with a jazz edge and contemporary Latin-American compositions from Bandolin and Zambrano with a classical flavor. Marshall's Loar and Lichtenberg's modern Alfred Woll bowl-back sound heavenly together. For any mandolin fanatic, this one is essential listening. Enjoyment: Sound:
Cadillac Sky They began as a bluegrass band, but Cadillac Sky has evolved into something very different. Their third release presents such a cornucopia of musical genres that the term "modern acoustic/electric" best describes their current format. Produced by Black Keys' producer Dan Auerbach, Letters in The Deep displays a broad palette of sounds that will challenge both new listeners and longtime fans. Also Available in vinyl. Enjoyment: Sound:
Ralf Krebs Ralf Krebs' Berlin stretches the boundaries of nylon-stringed guitar to encompass both classical and jazz idioms. Krebs' compositions have a lilting quality that reminds me of some of the original Windham Hill artists such as Alex DiGrassi. Originally trained as a drummer, his precise rhythmic sense never overpowers the lyrical quality of his music. Enjoyment: Sound:
Ricardo Silveira 'Til Tomorrow Never heard of Ricardo Silveria? ‘TilTomrrow will remedy that. This retrospective covers his last four releases and features a crack band of experienced Brazilian jazzers. Silveria's playing style, primarily single note lines, is facile and breezy with a floating and effervescent quality that burbles along like a stream during spring runoff. If Latin-tinged jazz is your thing, you're gonna love ‘Til Tomorrow. Enjoyment: Sound: