Boz Scaggs
Boz Scaggs is smooth, there is no getting around it, and he always has been that type of performer. I have always appreciated his distinct vocals and the fact that he is an excellent multi-instrumentalist. I also respect the consistency he has managed to maintain throughout his career. With all of this said, it is appropriate and due time that a recent performance of a greatest hits compilation was produced for the DVD format. Greatest Hits Live finds Boz in good voice and playing the guitar in an inspired vigorous way, for a warm and intimate hometown crowd in San Francisco at the Great American Music Hall. It does not look like he has missed a step after all these years. He surrounds himself with some of the best talent in the business. The two backup songbirds, Ms. Mone’t and Barbara Wilson, compliment Scaggs wonderfully. Ms. Mone't does a nice call and answer with Boz on a few occasions during the performance. What I found critical to the sound of this band was the fact that there
were two keyboard players, Jim Cox and Michael Bluestein. They create a
double layer of sweet sound for the rest of the band to ride on, hence the
guitar, bass, drums, and brass have plenty of groove to dig into before
there parts kick in. Scaggs plays all of the best of his long career, the big pop oriented hits like "Lido" and "Lowdown," bluesy numbers "Runnin' Blues" and "Loan Me A Dime," and the jazz tinged funky number "Jojo," its all covered. What a wonderful performance this is, and the sound and picture are first rate. This could not have been a better performance to put out on DVD. Yes indeed, Boz Scaggs still has what it takes; he is a class act and joy to watch perform.
Enjoyment: Sound Quality: |