Marilyn Scott
How many true jazz divas are left? I would be willing to bet you can count them on one hand. So what kind of new talent is around now that is getting in position to follow in the footsteps of all the greats? You probably could not count them on one hand. I have not heard any recent major label acts that qualify, where I am hearing all of the hopefuls coming from are the independent realm. Artists like Marilyn Scott are contenders to succeed the icons of yesteryear. What is that you say? An indie act can fill those shoes? And why not? Just because an artist does not have major label contract does not mean they are any less talented. That is the beauty of the music business today. And anyone that is hip to this factor is hearing some of the best music available from all genres, those that are not are living in a sheltered existence, musical speaking. Scott has an interesting approach; besides featuring her outstanding vocals she explores a spoken word rap in some of her songs (Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most), which I found interesting for a contemporary jazz album by a female indie artist. I tip my hat to her; she is one of the most courageous and inventive artists covering many very important subjects in her music and offering it up in different ways. She is contemporary in sound for the most part yet in everyway but that stylistically and lyrically. She has a great lineup of musicians behind her voice for support and that is an absolute when you want to release a successful album. I loved this entire CD, every track is excellent, and not one in particular was a favorite. This the highest compliment that I could possibly give a performer, enough said.
Enjoyment: Sound Quality: |