Chelsie Boyd
Christian vocalist Chelsie Boyd has received a beautiful gift from the Lord, the voice of an angel. At the tender age of 13, she sounds like a mature performer light years ahead of her age. I remember LeAnne Rimes performing at 13 and how incredibly mature and talented she was for such a young woman. Chelsie reminds me of her, not so much with her vocal style, just the impact she could have if people pay attention. This young woman could easily become a pop star but she chose a different road. I am sure she will leave an indelible mark upon contemporary Christian music if she continues on this path. Boyd has some great backing musicians to set her vocals to, which is just as important as the vocal parts. A nice variety of upbeat pop rock and acoustic numbers are set to her spiritual messages. It all comes together in a very convincing fashion without a missed step. Talent like this is as pure as freshly fallen Rocky Mountain snow; it is indeed rare and precious. I can imagine how proud her parents must be. I would be absolutely glowing if this were my child. I am sure anyone that hears her sing will feel the warmth and radiance coming through every word. I am sure all she wants is for all her listeners to feel the love and hope her words and music brings. Just imagine how powerful she must sound in church!
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