Salam Jones (vocalist) and Jag Mollerup (guitar) are half of the powerful band Jones. Their new album Bliss Itch is a superb example of how chemistry between two people can work, there are other contributing members of the band, but this woman and man are what make this unit cook, and I mean to a full overflowing boil. The importance of Jones is obvious as the band carries her name and her beautiful face adorns the cover of this CD. Jones is a passionate and heartrending singer while Mollerup can match up with anyone on guitar, his innovative licks setup the rest of the band and Jones completes the musical loop with her incredible set of pipes. She sounds like a combination of Maria McKee (Lone Justice), Martha Davis (The Motels) and Christina Amphlet (The Divinyls). Now if you look at each band and are familiar with what style of music each plays, you will find that mixture in the music of Jones. I heard rock with an alternative slant on the opening track "Invisible Man," startling potent and forceful hard rock on "Kaivalya," which is the best cut on the album, it got me all excited and gave me chills up and down my spine, then "Dog Nose Woman," which sounds like a bluesy alt-country-pop tune. It all formulates an interesting mixture of styles. This is primarily a rock-oriented band that gets your attention with potent vocals and a big clean guitar sound. There are obvious influences from other genres but this band rocks-sometimes hard and fast or with a more polished lighter (easier on the guitar) pop injected sound, however that is what makes listening to them so interesting, the diverse blend of influences that they employ. This was one of Canada's best-kept secrets, well not anymore, the genie is out of the bottle, watch out all of you other bands vying for the brass ring…this band is going to give you a run for your money. This is a major band with all the savvy and professionalism to measure up with anyone making the same kind of music. They have a great guitar player, a sexy woman lead singer that would be able to keep up with Janis Joplin on a good day, and a killer rhythm section to keep the blood pumping. Got an itch that feels like bliss? Scratch it then let it spread like wildfire!
Enjoyment: Sound Quality: |