Herb Alpert's Tijuna Brass
The first thoughts I had about hearing this album excited me. The possibilities seemed intriguing. Hearing this classic album remixed with some new vibes and young talented blood infused into Herb Alpert's magnificent trumpet would be an entirely different trip than the original, I just did not know what to expect. Whipped Cream & Other Delights Rewhipped features remixes by late '90s and 2000 era DJs and has the old master himself playing new trumpet solos on seven tracks. All the cuts here appeared on the original 1965 release, Whipped Cream & Other Delights. The cover emulates the original with a scantly glad model in a two-piece made of…you got it, whipped cream. The picture inside the CD is even more revealing. This is an indication of how risqué we have become since 1965, actually, it is mild in comparison to what you find these days, inside and out of a CD. You may recognize some of the names involved in the project-Medeski, Martin & Wood, DJ Foosh, Ozmatli, and Anthony Marinelli, to name a few. After listening to this the first time it was making me crazy, I wanted to hear the original versions. Because of that initial response, I was not too sure if l liked this or not. Then only after a second, third, and fourth listen, did I find an appreciation for what this music was trying to accomplish. This was a brilliant marketing move to make after all the reissues last year. To unleash an updated version of the most successful and popular recording from the Alpert canon only made sense at this point. Tracks like "Love Potion # 9" sound very today with Astru Sierra laying down some funky vocals backed by a worldly infusion of red-hot studio musicians. I am not accustomed to hearing Alpert tracks with vocals so this was different but very good. The title track, thank god, maintains most of its original integrity, and the mixologist Anthony Martnelli gives it the respect that it is due while performer Ozomatii gives it a good shot in the arm with his own unique style and interpretation. From that point forward, it remains an enjoyable and interesting road to travel with all of these changes, moods, textures, and colors added to the recording. It really is a cool thing listening to this and obviously Alpert approved or he would not have had so much involvement in the project. This classic release goes through some growing pains but it all ends up with some great results. This is full of funky, electronic, jazz ambient grooves, and Alpert comes along for the ride contributing some new studio work to complete the circle and rebirth of the recording. At 71, he still is one of the best and hippest players in the world.
Enjoyment: Sound Quality: |