Cody Michaels
Every now and then e-mail reaches the inbox from a musical artist asking if i would like to review their music. During times of weakness i say sure. Many of the CDs received here by relatively unknown performers are horrible sounding recordings of musicians who could use a decade (or two) of polishing and maturing. Little did i realize the eventual joy after receiving an e-mail by a pianist named Cody Michaels. Here was a relatively local performer based out of Intervale, New Hampshire who seemed to care as much about the music as he does the sound quality. An audiophile perhaps? Not a clue as we have never met nor spoken on the phone. Cody, following in the footsteps of his father (the late jazz pianist Alexander J. Cody), is self-taught. Now after over fifteen years of playing professionally, and nearly forty years of playing piano, he has proven himself as one of the finest in his class (to my ears at least). A Creation Prayer is a recording of eleven songs that are all very mellow and relaxing. Recorded in (of all places) Guy's Boogitie Shoe Shop using a 1912 Mason & Hamilton model A, only a pair of AKG 414 microphones wonderfully captured the sound to give the listener a pianists point of view. Within some CDs there are times when the music simply sounds right. Here we have it in spades throughout each and every song. After placing the disc in my CD player, a gentle tapestry of melodious harmony filled my ears with glee. Each note and chord is performed with such gentle majesty that it is a must have for all solo piano lovers who enjoy the gentle sounds of romantic music. It is more than romantic, it is entrancing! And talk about sound quality... i can not comment highly enough about the transparency coupled with the room's glorious space. There is a richness in the way the notes from the piano combine with the music that makes me want to rediscover many things as the rush of life has left me behind (at times). A melancholy feeling indeed, yet when listening to this music my soul cries out. The upper notes are crisp and clear as the room's ambience gracefully joins in to gently ease the sound until it is gone. From the highest register to the lowest note, a brilliant capturing of a first-class pianist! Transparency is excellent and on par with the best of recordings within my 10,000+ collection. In many ways i am saddened that i have never met Cody, nor talked with him on the phone to congratulate him on an amazing CD. My only hope is that these few words will reach out to music lovers worldwide who may also find A Creation Prayer to be among their most cherished musical recordings for those times when a desire for peaceful piano music during their frantic lives. As a musician and audiophile myself for nearly thirty years, one realizes that music such as this is extremely rare. To be transported into another world where glorious music fills your soul... Odds are you can not buy this CD at your local music store (or CDNow for that matter). Sadly, this is one of those magical discs that will probably only reach the lucky few. Please e-mail Cody Michaels at codypiano@yahoo.com. Please consider this music one of the wonderful gifts in life. i can only be humbled that i am in a position to allow you to discover it. The journey is there for you to discover. As always...
Enjoyment: 100 Sound Quality: 95 |