Widespread Panic
Like all Widespread Panic fans, I cannot seem to get enough of them. Live At Oak Mountain is yet another two DVD set recorded live for the world-renowned jamband to feature their eclectic brand of rock music. How many bands can sell a truckload of live CDs and DVDs performing the same songs? WSP can. There is a logically reason for this. Every time they perform a song live it is different from what you heard before. Of course, they always add new material or a special cover on a newly released live performance such as Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here," to add a little spice and variety to the pot. Their compositions allow a lot of room for improvisation, just like the Godfathers of jamband music, the Grateful Dead. Michael Houser (G-d rest his soul) was one of the most aggressive guitar players in rock at his peak. When you see him onstage playing, he looks everything but, as he sits in his wheelchair with his head bowed down, hair dangling in his eyes and face, as if he would have been content positioned behind the drummer Todd Nance. Houser was a focused individual and his guitar playing told the story. Speaking of Nance, I do not think I have ever seen a drummer play two sets without drawing a bead of sweat, the guy is incredible, so effortless in the way he plays. His shirt was not even wet! I just cannot grasp that. Usually a drummer is literally drenched in sweat and without a shirt. He, like his band mates, play as if it was another day at the office. They all compliment each other very well, which each band member discusses openly in the interview section of DVD 1. This is the first time I had the opportunity to enjoy the WSP lineup visually with Michael Houser onstage, now I can understand more clearly why his shoes were so difficult to fill after actually watching him play. This DVD, like all of the others have been released, is real keeper and a monument to the legend of the band and their guitar player Michael Houser. This is a necessity for any WSP or jamband fan.