Magnolia By Dwayne Carter
For Valentines Day this year, I received my favorite present…ok, my second favorite. My second present still needed more wine in her…but that's another story (or video). My spousal unit graced me with a few CD's, one of which I'm reviewing for you, today; The soundtrack from the movie Magnolia. Magnolia: Music from the Motion Picture is really an Aimee Mann CD. Aimee sings on eight out of thirteen tracks. Since I've been waiting patiently for her latest solo CD (Bachelor No. 2, rummored to be released today, Feb 25th) I was looking forward to this CD. If you have not listened to any of Aimee Mann's work since 'Til Tuesday, you owe yourself a listen. Checkout "Whatever" (Uni/Geffen/Dgc Records; ASIN: B000003TBY) and "I'm with Stupid Now" (Uni/Geffen/Dgc Records; ASIN: B000003TBW). Since I have not seen the movie (I have no life) I was also curious to get a taste. Magnolia has my wife running around the house, screaming "Respect the Cock!!" (which is something I've been telling her for years!); so I had to spin this baby and fast! Aimee opens with the Three Dog Night tune, "One", and slides into "Momentum". Neither tune struck me as Aimee Mann material. I had to remember that this was a soundtrack. Maybe the song had to due with some part of the (as of yet) unseen movie. "Build That Wall" brought out the Aimee Mann I know and love. She has such a melodic-singsong voice. One of my favorites, "Deathly" conveys heartache like no other. Listen for the wildly compressed guitar solo. Simple, layered octaves, but very cool. I'm also listening to "You Do" several times. Sung in a nice, almost bedtime, breathy voice…it's a keeper. My absolute favorite is the soft, haunting, "Wise Up". MAN can Mann pour her emotions into a tune. Without raising her voice above a whisper (I can't wait to see what's happening in the movie, at this point). "Wise Up" is a melodic tune, in which Aimee sings over a de-tuned, twisted circus clown piano, and an odd drum slap, (keeping the beat). Equally haunting is, "Save Me". Both songs are excellent. Unfortunately, the CD comes to a screeching halt, with two Supertramp songs, ("Goodbye Stranger" and "Logical Song"). Ordinarily I like the songs…but it seems to slap you in the face, ripping you out of Aimee Mann land. On a final note, the CD ends with an excellent R&B/Pop tune by Gabrielle, called "Dreams". After the rude Supertramp interruption, "Dreams" was a welcome surprise. I will be searching for more work by this artist (and reviewing her, later). This song makes me think the movie ends on an upbeat? I'll find out soon. My wife said she was "willing" to see the movie again. Somehow, I suspect, Tom Cruise running around half naked, shouting about his "member"... might have something to do with her willingness to see the movie, Magnolia, again. Oh well. as long as I reap the benefits. Enjoyment: 90 Sound Quality: 90 |