Sharon Rae North
Sharon Rae North quite simply, has a great voice. She has a quiet confidence beaming from her pretty face on the cover of her new CD The Way You Make Me Feel. I have set aside three separate occasions to listen to this recording and every time I walked away feeling something different. Actually, I went through several different emotions taking in this music but mainly it made me feel alive, good about being a sensitive and cerebral human being. The singer has a calming and soothing vocal style yet it is sensual and warm at the same time. She has perfect tone and inflection for the songs she sings and the music arrives, for the most part, subtly behind her, which is just the right thing for what she is trying to accomplish here. Smooth and contemporary jazz is the main genre explored and the musicianship does her style justice, continually complimenting her intonations throughout the run of this CD. Primarily Sharon stays the course with one formula, stretching out on three arrangements by Vic Smiley (who also contributes some good guitar playing and drum programming) and she does an exceptional job with Nilsson's classic "One." It is not until the closer that Sharon decides to change direction. "Gotta Get Away" features some funky disco era keyboards and highlights her flexibility to switch over to a more pop oriented tune. I really enjoyed this album, all the tracks, and think Sharon Rae North has a bright future ahead with any road she takes musically. She has the kind of voice that could adapt to nearly any style and a classy striking appearance of a diva on the rise.
Enjoyment: Sound Quality: |