Shauna Burns
Desert Tune
Review By Keith "MuzikMan" Hannaleck
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Shauna Burns sounds similar to a female Dave Matthews with a distinct Celtic influence. This may sound like an odd description of an artist after you listen for yourself, however for my ears, the interpretation works. Burns' vocals are very much her own, make no mistake about it. Even though I cringe as I write any comparison to another artist, and one that is so popular, I cannot help myself; it is something that needs to be expressed.
Although there are only five tracks that encompass Desert Tune, they are strong and create an impact for the artist. This EP is the extension of songs that did not make it onto Shauna's debut CD
Every Thought. The music is mystical and ethereal-I found it very enchanting. Shauna's vocals are the key element that completes the circle for each track.
Burns sings about squirrels dancing around in your head, fairytales, ghosts, and Celtic castles. Whatever she is singing about, it always seems to fit the music just perfectly, and the timing lyrically is impeccable- supported by spotless musicianship. That covers all the most important aspects of any recording, not withstanding production values, which are excellent as well.
Desert Tune is a solid EP and it certainly will lead to an outstanding full-length album to follow, I have no question. The new full length CD is due out this summer. Shauna Burns has an unusual vocal style that you are attracted to right away or it has to grow on you; there is no middle ground here. This could be the X factor that separates her from the pack.

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