Kreator's third album, Terrible Certainty, is pretty much the same as their last two albums, but it sounds different. The production is about a thousand times better on Terrible Certainly, compared to their first two, which sound like they were recorded underwater. Literally. I still enjoy their second album Pleasure to Kill better, but I have a feeling that PTK would have sounded something like this album with better production. Terrible Certainty, with its hip new production, had the potential to be the ultimate Kreator - nay - the ultimate thrash album of all time. It's one of the ultimate thrash albums, but it's got two filler songs I don't care for: "As the World Burns" and "No Escape." There is one mediocre song ("Storming with Menace"), but even mediocre Kreator is still pretty good. All five of the other songs rock the house. I think "Blind Faith" is still probably the fastest song I've ever heard, and that's saying something. The singing... uh, I mean vocals, have gotten better too. Mille's voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard. Kreator has never sounded so fast as on this album. Furthermore, because of the production we are reminded that Kreator was in fact a thrash band. PTK and Endless Pain were proto-death metal albums. Kreator isn't as raw on Terrible Certainty, but they have not sacrificed any of their brutality. Pick up this CD if you like your metal fast and furious.
Enjoyment: 80 Sound Quality: 70 |