August 2013
WaterColorBot is basically a pen plotter that uses a set of watercolors, thus the basic technology is well-sorted. The WaterColorBot computer-automated, numerically controlled (CNC) machine provides users to do a variety of things. One of these include once your drawing is stored in the computer, you can copy it as many times as you like with digital precision. Thus the results is that each one being a virtual 'original'. To move the paint brush, there are two motors built into the frame of the robot. Each motor drives a little winch that moves a length of cord attached to a rod that controls either the X or Y position of the brush. For those of us who may recall the Etch-A-Sketch from our youth, this same mechanism can be found inside many vintage plotters and chart recorders plus is the same mechanism that an Etch-a-Sketch uses. Of course instead of a stylus, Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories' product uses a carriage that moves the brush up and down.
What You Get Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories choose to fund the new WaterColorBot on Kickstarter for a few different reasons. The most obvious one is to finance their initial manufacturing run, but more importantly, they are excited about the WaterColorBot and want to help it reach as wide an audience as possible. 'We think that the WaterColorBot has enormous potential for STEM and STEAM education, especially as a way to get young people engaged with hands-on technology and robotics" says Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories. "We are particularly interested finding ways to inspire young women to pursue careers in science and technology. We cannot imagine any better way to do so, than starting with a robot co-designed by a 12 year old girl." [italics ours]