Great Audiophile Gift Ideas For The
2019 Holiday Season
The Audio Expert
Longtime audio expert Ethan Winer says, "I've always wanted to write a book about audio, and a few years ago I started making notes about what I would include. As it happens, a major publisher of technical books approached me in early 2011 after seeing my hour-long AES Audio Myths video. So I submitted a proposal for my book, The Audio Expert, which they quickly approved. I worked on the book full-time for ten months, then spent several months more reviewing the page proofs and index. All that work paid off, and the book came out great. Now in its second edition, the book totals 808 pages - it's a big book! There are also 83 audio examples, 31 demo videos, and five audio-related software programs on the book's web site. The Audio Expert (paperback ISBN 978-0-415-78884-7) is also available in e-book Formats."
More About The Audio Expert
Book However, this book goes beyond merely explaining how audio works. It brings together the concepts of audio, aural perception, musical instrument physics, acoustics, and basic electronics, showing how they're intimately related. It also describes in great detail many related practices and techniques used by recording and mixing engineers, including video production and computers. This book is meant for intermediate to advanced recording engineers and audiophiles who want to become experts. It's definitely not a "Dummies" type book for beginners, though there's plenty for beginners too!
If you buy the book from Ethan's Web Store you'll receive a personalized signed copy, plus a DVD containing all the online content that accompanies the book - software, audio examples, and demo videos. The DVD included with books sold through Ethan's web store contains the original high-resolution MP4 files. So you avoid the hassle of logging into a web site to download files and view the videos online, and also get higher quality videos. The Audio Expert is available direct from the Publisher at a 20% discount (use coupon code FLR40 at checkout). Recommended by Enjoy the Music.com's Steven R. Rochlin.
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