November 2014

VPI MW-1 Cyclone Record Cleaning Machine
Marking the passing of the torch of father to son, as Mat Weisfeld puts his imprint on VPI Industries.
Review By Anthony Nicosia
interest with the new VPI MW-1 Cyclone Record Cleaning Machine stems from both
owning and having positive experiences with previous VPI products. Every time
either a record cleaning machine or turntable from this company finds its way
into my house it has always been a very pleasurable experience. After reviewing,
their at that time, new Scout II record player it was quite tempting to reach
into my wallet and make a purchase. That decision was held off only to save up
and purchase one of their more expensive turntable designs. When the Classic 3
turntable hit the marketplace no longer was there a need to wait and now it can
be found residing as a proud possession in my main audio system. Most recently,
another gem, the Traveler was also purchased for use in my second system. As for
their record cleaning machines, I previously owned the HW 16 and then later the
HW 16.5. So when the news hit me concerning the new MW-1 Cyclone it felt only
natural to follow up by doing a review to pay witness to the evolution of the16
series in this its third form. Mat Weisfeld has now taken over his father's
place as head of VPI Industries. The Cyclone being Mats first statement on the
company's lineup makes this review even that much more interesting. After all
a first only happens once, so it is kind of a special rite of passage. As the
world waits to see what the son can add to an already well-established legacy,
it was time for me to purchase some extra dusty records especially for this
Now there are some people who might think, it is
just a device to clean records, so what. Why spend $1000 on a machine when I can
just hand wash each and every record in an effort to save my money for use in
other places. Well having tried the later it was my preference to lay out the
cash and buy those earlier machines from VPI. Not only was it more convenient
but they did a much better job consistently with its combination of washing and
vacuuming my collection of one thousand plus vinyl albums. For this review
VPI's own cleaning solution was used rather than dive into other products or
personal homemade concoctions. Never looking back on my decision to purchase
either of the two previous models it is with great anticipation that I looked
forward to reviewing the new MW-1 Cyclone.
Difference Between The Older
Model 16.5 And New MW-1 Cyclone
Like the 16.5 the Cyclone comes with an 18 rpm high
torque turntable motor and a 2" Delrin record clamp. They also both have dust
covers on top and drainage tubes on the back with which to empty the water tanks
within. The differences being that the dust cover for the Cyclone is removable
by just lifting it up rather than being attached with hinges like with the 16.5
model. This may not seem like much of a difference to you but my 16.5 stays on
the floor and under an end table. When needed the machine is pulled out from
under the table as there is not enough room to fully lift up the top cover. With
the new machine all that is needed is to slide the cover just slightly up and
off to the side to then place the record on the platter. This saves me a step
while giving a less exposed clutter look to my listening area. The Cyclone is
housed in an aluminum water proof case rather than within the 16.5's MDF
(medium density fiberboard) construction. The former being more durable for sure
and less prone to liquid damages in case you are too or lazy or simply forget to
clean up afterwards. Even though I tried being careful there was usually some
cleaning fluid that managed to spill from the record surface onto the
Cyclone's deck. The new platter and bearing are stronger to allow for a more
vigorous cleaning session plus the Cyclone can clean and vacuum in both
directions, unlike the 16.5 which spins clockwise only. The newer model is said
to be twice as powerful and quieter as well. Listening while it cleaned records
the Cyclone did sound a bit quieter and an informal test with my Radio Shack SPL
meter confirmed that it indeed was. While none of the previous models proved to
be silent during the vacuuming stage, the Cyclone took the noise level down
enough to make it noticeable. It was after all vacuuming the record surface and
as such will make noise. Now though it was less intrusive to those in nearby
rooms, like when my wife is watching TV. For that she would like me to thank you
The Cyclone Cleaning Process
The steps to cleaning a record are really quite simple
and relatively quick. Place the record on the Cyclone; secure the delrin record
clamp being careful as not to over tighten. Pour the VPI cleaning solution onto
the center of the record, being careful to not get the record label wet. Turn on
the motor to allow the record to spin in either direction you prefer to start
with and after the supplied dry brush gets moist press hard to clean the record
as you spread the fluid around. After it is brushed in one direction flip the
switch to brush in the opposite direction. Once accomplished, remove the brush
and then place the arm over the record to point directly at the spindle and then
turn on the vacuum switch. After two revolutions of the record spinning one way
press the vacuum switch to reverse the direction allowing for it to clean in the
opposite direction for two additional revolutions. When this is done you must
first stop the vacuuming process, then the spinning of the record and place the
arm back to its original position off to the side. It is important to turn off
the vacuuming first and the spinning second. For complete details please refer
to the "Setup and Instruction Manual" that comes with the Cyclone. Once done
loosen and remove the delrin record clamp to turn the record over to the other
side. Repeat the whole process once again. This process is quite simple and
rather quick really. For those of you with seven inch 45-rpm and ten inch 78-rpm
records a special adaptor can be purchased from VPI. Do not forget to empty the
used cleaning fluid from the machines catch basin after ever six records.
So How Does An MW-1 Cyclone Affect
A Record's Sound?
a copy of Joan Baez [Vanguard VSD
2077] came into my possession which included one of my favorite songs, "House
of the Rising Sun". Unfortunately it was unplayable. Having a lot of pops and
clicks due to it being a bit dusty did not bother me as much as it staying in
one grove indefinitely, never allowing the song to play through to the end.
Thanks to the Cyclone the song was now rendered playable as the obvious grime
had been cleaned away. Still there was some noise that would have nice to have
been made to disappear. A vigorous second cleaning took care of most of that,
allowing me to now enjoy my music without being distracted by any loud
nonmusical sounds. After a careful listen the album was deemed by me to play at
an acceptable level, free from any obvious distractions. While still being able
to hear pops and clicks on silent tracks all was fairly quiet during musical or
vocal passages. Remember this was a very filthy copy of a record that looked not
to have been cleaned since its release date back in 1960. When purchasing this
album for fewer than fifty cents, expectations as to the quality of life left on
the record was exceedingly low. Thanks to the Cyclone I am again enjoying Joan
Baez with a smile on my face and reliving memories from my distant youth.
once again through the under one dollar bin at my favorite record store up
popped a copy of, A Romantic Mood With Sarah Vaughan [Viking VK003]. After listening
to side A it was apparent why one would pay less than one dollar in its present
condition. Again thanks to a thorough cleaning, another double dose, the
recording was not only very quiet but sounding as if a heavy veil had been
removed between me and the performance. The cleaning allowed me to now enjoy
Sarah Vaughan without distraction and in a clearer light with regard to less
surface grime being amplified along with her vocal talent.
that same day and from that same discount bin came a copy of The
Beatles [Capitol SWBO 101], known too many as the double White album, what a
lucky find. Not expecting much as surface scratches could be visibly seen and
quite long, on it went to my VPI Classic 3 turntable. To my surprise it played
without a glitch as the scratches were not deep at all, although it was still
plenty dirty and played with so many very annoying pops and clicks. In stepped
Mat's MW-1 Cyclone to the rescue and a few cleanings later, viola a very
listenable record was had for such a ridiculous low price. Adding to the find
was that the album even came with the original color pictures of each of the
four Beatles and in immaculate condition to boot. The poster though was gone,
but an original was found in one of my three copies of that album. It is not
uncommon to find that those pictures and poster had been removed and placed on
someone's wall. This double album cost me one dollar and after cleaning played
just beautifully. If you are into vinyl and like searching for bargains like me,
then having a record cleaning machine is a must. If you do not enjoy the search
in bargain bins or garage sales that is fine also as the Cyclone works well to
keep your pristine records, well pristine.
it was time to see what the Cyclone would do with a newer album. Having played
the Mozart Violin Concertos [2L 038-LP] album only maybe five times and never
having cleaned it, this would look to be a good test. Even though it was "new" there was some surface noise, perhaps left over vinyl pressed into the
grooves during its initial pressing or just dust that might have collected on it
after being exposed to the environment. One cleaning session from the Cyclone
was all it took and now the LP sounded as it should, clear and clean and right
off its fresh pressing, impressive indeed. It should be noted that not all brand
new records seemed to improve with a cleaning and vacuuming. But since keeping
them clean is important then whether or not an initial cleaning is necessary is
of little consequence. Eventually a thorough wash and vacuum will be needed, so
yes even brand new records will soon need the benefit of the Cyclone.
MW-1 Cyclone is an impressive machine that at $1000 seems well
worth the price considering all that it does. No it will not make forty plus
year old recordings new again. Damage done by placing a hard diamond stylus tip
into soft vinyl groves for all those year can never be repaired. If though you
seek getting the most possible out of your old records so as to hear them as
best you can this certainly is a way to go. Why it even helped out some of my
new records by cleaning the grooves and getting them to sound as I thought they
should. While not all new albums improved because of a cleaning it is certainly
something you would want to do for preventive maintenance in order to keep them
in top condition throughout the years. Cleaning in both directions makes sense
to me and given a choice between the one directional 16.5 and the new Cyclone,
my choice would be to go with the later. Either way it would not be a bad
decision as my 16.5 has always done such a good job of cleaning my dusty old
LPs. For me though all the positives of this new machine were just too much
to pass on and so I purchased the WM-1 Cyclone review sample. So today I am
happily cleaning and vacuuming in both directions while my wife is content that
this is done just a bit more quietly. As always, when reviewing gear from Harry
Weisfeld and now his son Mat, all that can be said is, "What is not to
like?" The MW-1 Cyclone is highly recommended for anyone serious about their
vinyl, which hopefully is everyone who is into music. With this "first" out
of the way it will be interested to see what other new creations Mat might
eventually add to VPI Industries product line.
Listening Environment
review room is eighteen feet eight inches long by thirteen feet wide with
loudspeakers and equipment kept on the short wall. The cathedral ceiling starts
at eight feet on the short wall slopping upwards to reach a height of thirteen
feet in the middle than returning to eight feet at the opposite end. The
hardwood floor is partially covered by a nine by six foot oriental rug lying
down the long ways facing toward the loudspeakers, placed dead center between
but not under the listener or the audio rack. The room has no doors but there
are two openings. One opening is in front of the right loudspeaker on the long
wall giving access to the hallway the other behind the listening position to a
formal dining area. There are two large floor standing GIF Tri-trap acoustical
panels one in each corner of the short wall in front of the listener and two
panels from Acoustic Revive (AR) located on the wall directly behind each
loudspeaker. A third AR panel is placed flat against the right side wall near
that walls loudspeaker. The fourth and final AR panel is located behind the
listener and to its left blocking a partial portion of the opening to the dining
room located behind. Numerous Auralex Studio foam squares are placed along walls
and high up in each of the four corners of the room. All the audio equipment is
located in a Synergy Twin S30 Salamander audio rack placed about a foot away
from and in the middle of the short wall opposite the listening position.
Magnepan 3.6R Loudspeakers placed on special custom made three wooden layer platforms
Two Magnepan DWM Bass Panels
Aesthetix Saturn Calypso Line Stage Tube/Hybrid Preamplifier
Parasound A21 Solid State Power Amplifier
McIntosh 2102 Tube Power Amplifier
OPPO Digital BDP-95 Universal player
VPI Classic 3 Turntable
Lyra Delos Moving Coil Cartridge
Musical Surroundings Nova Phonomena Phono Stage
VPI MW-1 Cyclone Record Cleaning Machine
VPI 16.5 Record Cleaning Machine
Audience aR2p-TO Power Conditioner
Acoustic Revive RPT-4 Ultimate Power Supply Box
Cherry Synergy Twin S30 Salamander audio rack
Various Acoustical Room Treatments
Type: Vinyl LP record cleaner
MW-1 Cyclone Features:
35 second cleaning cycle (wash/dry) per side
18 rpm high torque bidirectional turntable motor operational in forward and reverse
Fully enclosed: no splashing, no mess
Powerful suction (vacuum) ensures quick deep cleaning
Removes old residue, prevents new build-up
Fail safe design
All components extra heavy-duty professional grade
Professional quality toggle switches have a 100 thousand cycle life
Safety coated record contacts; easily user replaceable
Leaves a pristine, dry, static-free record
The MW-1 is housed in an aluminum water proof case with a welded stainless steel water tank which drains out the back.
New vacuum tube assembly with auto adjustment
Removes solution from record's surface all at once
Included with the MW-1 Cyclone:
2" Delrin record clamp
Easily removable dust cover
8oz bottle of VPI cleaning fluid & cleaning brush
Replacement brushes, fluid and suction tubes may be purchased as needed (extra charge).
1 year manufacturer warranty on motor.
2 year manufacturer warranty on machine.
Price: $1000
Company Information
VPI Industries, Inc.
77 Cliffwood Ave. #3B
Cliffwood, NJ 07721
Voice: (732) 583-6895