HIFICRITIC Volume 8 No. 3
While Naim Audio's individual components arguably benefit more from anti-microphony and vibration control measures than those of other manufacturers, this costly effort remains at risk if the mechanical design of the entire audio system is not continued down through the stand to the support plane of the floor. Furthermore, important relationships between specific components, such as magnetic fields and vibrations from power supply transformers, may well predetermine the relative locations of audio components on one or more racks. The more that I investigated this Naim support system, the more I started to see it as a fundamental component of the Naim hierarchy. In terms of potential sound quality benefit it could well be considered an important audio component in its own right. Indeed, without proper support, a given component might never attain its full potential. I must admit I didn't initially take this project
seriously. Little has been written about the Fraim,
and many consider it 'just proprietary Naim racking', to be recommended and sold
by Naim dealers alongside the electronics. Some even consider it a bit pricey,
and after more than a decade of availability, it is frequently taken for
granted. However, a recent interaction between a review turntable and my long
term Finite Elemente Pagode reference
supports, which have served me well for many years (particularly when
spike-coupled to suspended floors), suggested that further experiment for my
present hardwood-on-concrete floor might be worthwhile. I therefore asked to
borrow some assorted ex-dem Fraim components.
Initially enough turned up for 'half' a stand (comprising the base and a single
shelf), but results were promising enough to order a full review set and
commence exploring the various possibilities. Naim's approach to electronic engineering can
sometimes result in equipment combinations which are a rod for its own back. Its
two-box units combine a massive power supply with large toroidal transformer in
one enclosure with an absorptive foot, with a matching audio unit which may use
delicate internal anti-vibration measures, and usually benefits from physical
and vibration isolation from the matching supply. Yes, they'll continue to
operate when the components are stacked, but the best sound may not be obtained.
My test system currently uses three of these two-boxers: a Super
Line phono stage, an NDS streamer
and a NAP300 power amp. For this
review I was concerned to establish how the sound of the several Naim components
(and also others from Krell, Marantz and Townshend) altered as they were located
in the racking systems. Fraimis
modular, based on a system of stacking shelves, each with three-point
self-locating and levelling support. The stack begins with a Base
unit in composite veneered wood which is coupled directly to the
floor via three adjustable spikes. Its top surface contains three cups which are
used to locate the sturdy cones fitted beneath a second very similar looking
platform or Level, which also has
three cups (for adding further Levels).
This second platform then supports a square sheet of special toughened glass
that actually comprises the platform on which the component is placed. This
glass platform is supported at three points on hardened steel balls, located in
tricontact, hardened, stainless steel cups. Once a Base is built, placed and levelled, it is
simple to add additional stages. These comprise a single composite wood plate
veneered in a choice of woods, the toughened glass equipment shelf and its
tri-ball support arrangements, plus vertical spacer spars of extruded anodised
alloy. The latter come in three heights: 115mm, 190mm and 264mm, so components
from Naim and other brands are easily accommodated. These open stages simply
stack on further tri-point mountings, requiring no further alignment. There's no
limit to the number of stages, even to eye level, but the isolation and damping
performance of the system is reduced in proportion to the number of stages.
(Four is considered optimal, including the open topmost stage.) The glass
shelves are 452mm wide by 340mm deep and the overall base size is 642mm by
442mm. The uprights may be in silver or black while the
veneered platforms can be in light ash, cherry and black ash. A typical
four-shelf assembly costs about £2,200, depending on the spacer heights chosen.
Once levelled, no adjustments are required, and it will remain in alignment
almost indefinitely. While no mechanical component can be free of
resonances, the geometry of the supports and interfaces will strongly affect
behaviour. Numerous Fraim design details reflect a classic approach to vibration
control, including non-rocking tripod mountings for every level including the
floor interface. The potential weak links are the wood composite support stages
but the tri-lobed and pierced design minimises mass and thus energy storage,
while the shape also inhibits structural and bending resonances. The interfaces,
where differential materials are in contact (wood to steel, steel to glass, ball
and sharpened point to stainless steel cups) are all designed to inhibit
resonances, dissipate vibration energy and control structural coloration. The idea is to take the 'audio signature' out of
the stand, then provide a dissipating support without self resonance, and offer
a structure which conveys energy into the floor without further audible
signature. No Sorbothane or similar hysteretic materials are present, and while
these can at times selectively improve some aspects such as transparency, they
may also slow timing and dull dynamic expression. Also, thanks to its highly
modular design it is easy to reconfigure the stands to accommodate different
and/or additional equipment. While the full and original Fraim
support system gives the best results, Naim has more recently
introduced the much less costly Fraim Lite rack,
which eliminates the glass shelf and extends the wooden platforms to support the
rear corners of the components.
Sound Quality No longer available, the Mana had that sense of
speed and almost exaggerated dynamics for which this design is well known,
coupled with upbeat timing and clear rhythms. The Finite Elemente was more laid
back, sweeter, with a neutral midband, fine image depth and focus, and a fine
grained treble, but also with somewhat slower rhythms and a slight loss of
subjective impact and dynamics: more 'international high end', if you like.
The second stage of the process was the
allocation of another level to accommodate a Super
Line phono pre-amp, plus a second Fraim
support the matching SuperCap DR power
supply (and other power supplies). A degree of synergy became apparent with the Fraim
supported Super Line consequently sounding improved. The addition of
further Fraims made it possible to
allocate all the power supplies to the central stack, the final link being a
further stack with both the control unit, the NDS
source, and the NAP300 power
amplifier. As each component was installed the
characteristics of speed, clarity and dynamic expression, seemed to accumulate
and further enhance rhythm. As the system became fully rebuilt on Fraims,
that elusive sense of transparency was also successively enhanced until it
matched the established Finite Elemente standard, at least with the review audio
components, which also included a Meridian 200
CD disc drive, a Marantz CD555SE and
Townshend and Krell line level controllers.
Conclusions However, this stand design is clearly a tour
de force in supplying effective acoustico-mechanical vibration
countermeasures. Every seemingly simple part is designed, dimensioned and
fashioned for the purpose of vibration control and energy dissipation, and so
far everything I have placed on these stands has sounded significantly better
(especially Naim gear). In this respect, the Fraim
has to be regarded as an important audio sound quality component in
its own right.
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