September 2019
Schiit Jotunheim Balanced Desktop Headamp / Preamp
The names Mike Moffat (Theta Digital) and Jason Stoddard (Sumo) are legendary in high-end audio circles. Both have been determined engineers seeking the highest musical fidelity from their circuit designs and playback efforts, utilizing both analog and digital components; near-on over 38 years now. Schiit make all categories of high-end sounding, diminutively-sized components that lend themselves to simple desktop usage as well as full on, high-end, sonic insanity with full size speakers in a dedicated two-channel set-up. And two of these components, the Jotunheim (balanced) and the Lyre 3 (tube – unbalanced), graced my listening rooms as well as my production facility (in which I produce and edit audio and video programs of the highest quality). Not surprisingly, they distinguished themselves admirably from a huge deluge of similar headphone-based listening gear created to sooth a hungry marketplace over the last decade and more. I'd like to congratulate both Mike Moffat and Jason Stoddard for creating a company and a product line that open the high-end listening experience up to anyone willing to listen to their favorites, yet one more time. This commitment to the listening experience is not at all limited to this one company and certainly not to these affordable products. But in their name there is truth: this is the Schiit! And if this company continues to listen and create affordable audio gear (as it has the past 10 years) that enhances the remote listener's experience by bringing them closer to the actual music event.
Click here to read the complete review.
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