September 2018 Stromtank S2500 Battery Power
This beast from Germany definitely deserves a Blue Note Award! In fact, if you have any connections in Scandinavia, Enjoy the Music.com Editor Tom Lyle strongly suggest that we nominate this unit for a Nobel Prize. I'm not sure which category though, you decide. But wow, this thing is the ultimate in power delivery, no question about it. Throw away the power you get from the electric company and supply your own, that's what I say, and this unit can make it happen!
There are a few words when describing the sonic results of using the Stromtank to power my system: astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, amazing, astonishing, excellent, fantastic, glorious, magnificent, sensational, spectacular, splendid, terrific, and wonderful. As I said earlier, before the Stromtank arrived, only at nighttime could my system could reach its potential. But with the Stromtank my system reached its full potential regardless of the time of day. Even though Stromtank's literature promised it would make this improvement, it took me by surprise. Having my system sound the same both during the day and at night took some getting used to. In a good way.
Unless one lives in an area where you and very few others are the recipients of a power line from the power company, I can't imagine one being disappointed with the performance of the Stromtank. And I'd bet even those audiophiles will hear an improvement in their systems because of the pure sine wave of battery power that the Stromtank delivers. The Stromtank cannot be compared to other power conditioners on the market because it isn't a power condition. It is power. Period. And that's the beauty of the Stromtank. Recommended? Are you kidding? It deserves a very special award... Enjoy the Music.com's very rare Best Of 2018 Blue Note Award!
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