September 2017 Wells Audio Milo Headphone Amplifier
The Wells Audio Milo Headphone Amplifier is just plain fun: it hits hard, sounds sweet, is crystal clear and has an incredible booty shakin' jive factor. At just $1699, it brings an incredibly disruptive level of performance to a popular price range. Within our World Premiere review, Enjoy the Music.com reviewer Dave Hanson noted how impressed he was with its incredible senses of impact, attack and decay: "The midbass really steals the show. Not only is it speedy and clean, the impact is quite possibly the best I have heard, regardless of price point. Kick drums hammer your eardrums with an absolutely seismic level of impact. Switching to other amplifiers always left me wanting to run back to the unbelievable fun factor that the intoxicatingly punchy Milo offered. The separation from the lower midrange is also superb, never obfuscating the other musical content, despite the savage impact from the percussion.
This leads me to what is perhaps the most impressive attribute of the Wells Milo, its attack and decay properties. If I were to use one word to describe the Milo, it would be "incisive". If I had to describe it in three words, I would call it "really, really incisive". From the initial transient to the last hint of decay, each note is delivered with a clean, sniper-like precision. With gobs of power on tap, even the most difficult starts, stops, macro dynamics and micro dynamics are all just child's play for this amp. The sound is always firmly under control, which helps the music feel very free, easy, open and unrestrained. If you want absolutely effortless accuracy in terms of note delivery, you'll find very few amps that can hang with the Milo.
The amp just rocks, no two ways about it. If you have hard-to-drive headphones, are looking for a solid state amplifier and it is within range of your budget, the Wells Milo is an easy recommendation."
Click here to read the complete review.
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