February 2008
I've been using some sort of power conditioning for years. As a DIY'er, I've always tried to concoct my own, never wanting to spend the money it takes to buy an audiophile approved conditioner. I've done everything from the large industrial Corcom passive filters to cheap ONEAC transformers. They have all worked (at least) in some minimalist way. A number of years ago a good friend of mine over in Europe
turned me onto the DeZorel line of passive power filters. I invested in one of
their 20 amp filters which at the time, was quite affordable. Compared to my el
cheapo attempts at conditioning, the DeZorel worked marvelously. The backgrounds
got blacker, everything became more defined, pretty much everything you'd hope
a good power conditioner would do.
As time went on, I installed several dedicated 20 amp circuits
strictly for my audio systems. Each of these was a worthy upgrade making
significant improvements to the sound. Eventually, my system became completely
tubed. Tubed CD players, DAC's, phono preamps, preamps, active crossovers, and
tubed amplifiers to drive the woofers and the wide range drivers. If you aren't aware, tubed gear has a tendency to pick up
noise that rides our incoming mains, more so than solid state gear. I can't
say it's the fault of the tube gears power supply design as there are only so
many ways you can design a power supply for tubed gear. Unlike solid state gear
that (in some cases) the power supplies are nearing a half farad (500,000
microfarad) of filtering capacitance and power storage, tube gear is lucky to
have 500 microfarad of total storage and filtering. In turn, some tube gear can
let noise through if the power isn't clean. Such was the case with my system. As I added more and more tube based designs, the noise floor raised a bit each time. It was nothing too major, mind you, but it was definitely there. As it happens all too often, we become accustomed to the way our systems sound. We tend to listen past its inadequacies and lavish in the music. So when people that would visit my home and ask about those low level hums and buzzes, I would shrug my shoulders and say, "Hey, its tube gear.", as if that were a good answer. I'm sure this has happened to nearly all of us, once you begin to notice something about your system that you don't like, it begins to drive you absolutely crazy. Such was the case with those low level buzzes and hums. So I set out on a quest to fix the problems. My first call was to a friend up in Brooklyn who knows power and filtration better than I could ever dream. I explained the issues and we proceeded to troubleshoot each piece of gear. As a result we found a couple of pieces that had floating grounds. I fixed those and had marginal success in lowering the noise floor. That still wasn't good enough for me to keep my sanity. Next, I had my gear spanning two separate circuits within the
house. This created a ground loop potential. Sure enough by putting my front end
and amplification on the same dedicated circuit, it lowered the noise floor
another minor notch. Still, when music wasn't playing I could hear the buzz. Next up was to bring an "official" electrician out to the
house. I'm lucky in the fact that I work with some of the biggest and best
trained electrical companies and electricians in St Louis so with a phone call,
I had one of the top electricians out at my house. Denny (the electrician)
brought a van full of tools. The best tool in his bag of tricks was his Fluke
43B single phase power harmonics analyzer. This little gizmo measures power
harmonics, captures voltage sags, transients and inrush current. As part of the exercise, we checked all of my internal wiring
(self performed) focusing on the dedicated outlets for my system. We didn't
find anything major so in buttoning up, we tightened all of the connections and
closed that chapter of the story. Next we shut off all breakers feeding the rest
of the house and brought them on individually trying to isolate the source of
the noise hoping it was a transformer or ballast back feeding into the system.
Still no luck. The next step was to provide an additional ground as my only
ground was the one to the utility company's incoming mains (essentially a
floating ground). We sunk an 8' copper ground rod and attached a solid piece
of #6 then landed on the grounding lug inside the panel. Still no help (sound
wise) but as a byproduct this gives me much needed lightning and ground
potential protection coming from the incoming mains. Half disgusted but fully
appreciative of his efforts, I decided to try a different route. Enter Chris Hoff from Balanced Power Technologies. Chris came
over with a sack full of goodies for diagnosing problems. The most notable was
the simple AudioPrism Noise Sniffer which detects EMI/RFI interference,
identifies noise source (process of elimination), and tests line for filtering
effectiveness. With this simple noise tester, I found out that my DeZorel wasn't doing squat for catching all of the noise (obviously), at least the
noise that the AudioPrism was identifying. Chris also brought his Fluke 41B power and harmonics analyzer
which reads individual harmonic distortion out to the 31st harmonic. After
installing the Fluke we discovered that on the 15th harmonic I
relatively high harmonic distortion. I also had additional (but lesser)
distortions in the lower harmonics.
When you break into the inside of this puppy, you find more of
the same excess. The first thing that leaps out at you is the huge, custom
manufactured, Plitron isolation transformer.
Sidebar Time The second is a simple isolation transformer such as the ONEAC
and the smaller Richard Gray products. These consist of a simple isolation
transformer. Often they incorporate some form of passive filtering like the
previous filters. These are also quite effective giving their design limitations
(read = they don't utilize a balanced power topology transformer). There are a few manufacturers that produce units that
regenerate, supplement and then
regulate your incoming power all without the use of a transformer, banks of
batteries and an inverter. This is a personal statement as I've not played
with any of these units but I find their claims a bit more than dubious. As
such, I will refrain from further comment on these units. The final is a true balanced isolation transformer such as in the BPT. Here, the BPT provides isolated secondary windings within the massive torrid which has balanced outputs. The term Balanced refers to the electrical properties of the power. Without getting into a huge technical dissertation, unbalanced power is what is coming out of our single phase distribution panels. Our voltage, that comes in via two terminals, consist of the hot and the neutral. Accompanying these two terminals is a ground. When you take a reading on your wall outlet between hot and ground, you get 120 volts. In turn when you take a reading between your neutral and ground, you get zero volts as the neutral goes to ground. In a balanced power system, when you take a reading between either leg (hot or neutral) to ground, you should read 60 volts with both being 180 degrees out of phase with each other. That was an overly simplistic look at power conditioning.
Sure, there are dozens of variants to the designs that I mentioned. I, by no
means, wanted to cover every scenario out there. Nor was this intended to be a
technical crash course in electrical theory. I realize there are gaping holes
and exceptions in what I just wrote but I wanted to give you a simplistic view
of the most common power conditioning schemes available to us.
OK, Now Back To Our Scheduled Typefest
Now, according to BPT, the Plitron balancing transformer does a great job filtering common mode noise and the EP filter does a great job filtering differential noise which makes this combination great pairing. As a last bit of technical information, you might have noticed that the BPT doesn't have any form of voltage regulation. There is no means to provide constant voltage regulation like some of the other "conditioners" (see my personal comments above). BPT has a whole host of features that I won't go into
individually. Instead, let me give you the list from their website so you can
get a flavor of the engineering that goes into each power conditioner.
Custom low-noise, low temperature-rise, tight load regulation,
high-isolation type toroidal transformers
from Plitron Manufacturing
To Quote Paul Simon… The Sounds of Silence After Chris and I plugged the BP-2 into the wall outlet, we tried the AudioPrism noise sniffer again and guess what, the noise was gone. I confirmed this again and again by plugging it directly into the wall outlet and then again into the BPT. Next up was some music. I put on some Allison Krauss and pushed the play button on my Bolder modified Squeezebox. Literally three notes into Gravity, I turned to Chris and said, "This is going to cost me a fortune, isn't it?". He just smiled and continued listening to the tunes. Lets forget the fact of the extremely low noise floor and that the hums and buzzes were all but gone but the music had changed in my system once again. The change was very much for the better. The sound and intonation of the system was the same but the focus had gotten extremely better. No longer were the instruments sort of wide and round, they now were sharper and clearer. The soundstage depth retreated further by a solid two to three feet and that is saying something for my forward sounding Lowthers. As I played with the BPT in my system over the next few weeks
and months, I realized that everything about the sound of my system had
improved. I now had even less grain, the bass firmed up a notch or two and the
soundstage not only got deeper, it got wider. And yes, to coin an overused
audiophile adage, the music flowed even more effortlessly than if had before. The overall improvement to my system by adding proper power
conditioning was quite dramatic. And yes, it did cost me. Fortunately the BP-2
with a few upgrades is still relatively affordable at just over $1200. Sure,
that is a fair chunk of change but for those who want the last bit of refinement
and noise removal from your system, it is worth every last penny.
In The End The gains in clarity, focus and reduced noise floor after the
installation of the Balanced Power Technology BP-2 were quite dramatic. This
cured my system of the background noises (no matter how low they were) it
suffered from. For me and my system, the transformation (and yes it was a
transformation) was quite stunning. I now know how proper power conditioning is
supposed to sound. I don't think I'll be doing any DIY power conditioning
anytime in the near future, especially after hearing the BPT. In fact, I think I'll likely be spending some more money with Chris in the near future for my
Home Theatre. The BPT gear is that good. Another reason I decided to invest in a BPT is that over the years I've had several pieces of equipment give up the ghost and let all the smoke out. I can't say with absolute certainty that this was due to excessively poor power quality but then again….I can't say it wasn't either. I've had a myriad of power supply cap and diode failures in old and somewhat newer gear. This gets to be a pain in the arse. Sure, I repair my own gear but for those who don't weald a soldering iron, this can be costly. I've read about peoples experiences with transformer based power conditioning. On occasion people have mentioned that the transformer based units they have been using were noisy. I can't speak to those units but I can definitively say that the BP-2 is dead quiet. I get zero noise from its transformer unless I literally mash my ear against the units case. So, if you are looking to clean up your power, that or if you have some pesky noise like I did, look no further than Balanced Power Technologies. Chris even has a 30 day money back guarantee on his products. That takes all the risk out of buying blind. Just remember, if you run tons of gear that draws lots of current, don't try to cheap out and do with conditioner rated below your total power draw. It won't work... well. One final thought. Those of you who think that just because
you live close to a power plant or you don't have industry between you and the
local utility, think again. I live three miles and four hundred cows from the
local power plant and my power sucks. You will never know how bad your power is
until you install something like the BPT power conditioner. I highly recommend
trying one. You won't regret it.
My Ratings Please keep in mind this rating system is used to compare the BP-2 power conditioner against absolute perfection, or money no object power conditioner. If you see what you think may be a low(ish) score, it's because there are conditioners that are even more refined but consequently cost considerably more. To top that off, if I assign 5's across the board, I've just painted myself into a corner leaving no room for those ‘ultimate' conditioners. You won't see me handing out many 5's. In turn, I feel I need to leave room in the ratings system to accommodate those conditioners.
Manufacturers' Reply Chris Hoff
Specifications Input Voltage: 120v Output voltage: 120v Duplex Receptacles: 5 Ampere Rating: 15 Amperes Price as tested: $1199 (base unit), $85 each for Oyaide outlets, $300 for the EP2000 filter, $75 for the machined aluminum faceplate
Company Information Voice: (314) 265-1095