Lone Star Audio Fest 2012 Show Report
Report By John Semrad

Now we come to the room put up by internet sensation Pete Millet and
diyAudio.com's own indomitable Stuart Yaniger. Their very compact system's speakers use
Jordan JX92 full-range drivers with a side firing woofer. They are driven by SY's justly
famous Red Light District EL-84 push-pull amp resulting in very low distortion sound.

Also on display were some headphone amps through which could be heard Stuart's startlingly realistic high-resolution digital recordings of Austin musicians Lee Barber and Southpaw Jones. Beer was also available.

A very nice appearing (and sounding) display was put up by Russ Gates of
Polk Audio. The speakers were the Polk LSiM705 floorstanders and the electronics were by
Unison Research. The CD player was a Unico CDE and the single-ended EL-34 amp was
the Simply Italy.

On display as well was the Unison Research
Unico Nuovo
integrated amplifier. All of Russ' products are beautifully made and have a nice clean sound.

The Element Cable room not only had cables but also being demonstrated was
their new Millennium mini monitor speaker.

These very good sounding speakers were driven by a gorgeous
Pass Labs transistor powered amplifier.

One of the heavy hitters at this year's show was
Raven Audio. In their small room upstairs there was a variety of expertly designed and crafted electronics from
South Korea.

Here is the Reference Grade Reflection integrated amplifier that
uses NOS 6550 output tubes in a push-pull configuration.

There were also some very nice sounding 300B parallel single-ended amps.

Audio Fred from the Houston area is an LSAF regular who prides himself in offering very good sound at a very affordable price.
It is all do it yourself stuff.

In the Seijin Audio Junction room were Linn Majik 140 four-way speakers with a
JoLida push-pull EL-34 amplifier sitting atop some cool glow-in-the-dark
Custom Isolation Products Quad Racks. Other electronics were the Vitus Audio Reference Series RS-100
amplifier and the JoLida JD100A tube CD player.
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