PMC speakers on static display.

Bryston products on static display.

BCD-1 CD player, BP 16 SST pre amplifier and 28B SST amplifier driving the PMC GB1i loudspeakers.

Didn’t expect to see Martin Reynolds of dCS in Malaysia. He was showing dCS control board and Ring DAC board being used in all the dCS transports and DACs. Yes, from the Puccini to Paganini, and up to the flagship Scarlatti!

The dCS digital product family.

The dCS Puccini entry level SACD player.

Sonus Faber speaker family.

Audio Research Ref CD-7, Reference 3 pre amplifier and Reference 110 power amplifier driving the Sonus Faber Elipsa speakers.

Sonus Faber Stradivari Homage loudspeakers being driven by Goldmund Telos 400, Eidos 20A source and Mimesis 27.3 pre amplifier.

Avalon Isis driven by Krell Evolution One monoblocks. Source was Evolution 505, feeding the Evolution Two mono pre amplifiers. Krell Reference 64 digital processor and Sooloos digital music system were used as alternate source.

Oracle MA speaker cables.

Oracle MA interconnects.

The Sooloos Ensemble music storage unit, feeding the Krell Reference 64 digital processor.

Sooloos Control One touch screen control unit.

Krell KID, the hi-end version of iPod dock. Below, Krell KAV-400xi integrated amplifier.

Krell Evolution 202 preamplifier on static display.

On top, Krell S-1000 surround processor. Below, Krell Evolution 402 power amplifier.
What’s special about KLIAV then? Well, for years, we have a room specially dedicated to those who
treasure the LS3/5a legacy.

On show, the rigs which the owners have successfully used to make the LS3/5a sing.
And that wraps up my show coverage for now. Until next year
my friends...
Wong Kok Chieat