Simply a
cartridge photo to lust over.

Come relax in a virtual forest of Swans loudspeakers.

Trulife Audio's Satin (18,000€) tubed stereo amplifier has a pair of 211 tubes for output and 6C45 for driver, which is interstage-coupled to the output tube. It produces 22 wpc and has a special output transformer, has zero feedback, and has no capacitors within the signal path.

Alas, can't seen to find my photo, though Furutech had a wonderful room highlighting their product line, though the new product made its world debut here is their Ag-12 Pure Transmission silver-plate tonearm cable (390€). The DIN connector is rhodium-plated copper as are the RCA connectors. Of course everything is cryo'ed and engineered to reject EM and RF interference. In addition, special Formula GC-303 material is employed to further avoid EMI and RFI.

R-T-F-S offers very attractive room acoustic dampening solutions.

More live music.

Lyngdorf is celebrating the ten year anniversary of their amplifier, and at this show they had playing DPA-1 and
Millennium ADC-Phono (3700€ and 7000€ respectively). The phonostage inputs analog and outputs digital 48-bit/192kHz. This can feed directly into their preamplifier that handles the digital signal, whilst the preamplifier also has complete room correction and crossover/delay/etc. Audiophiles know that Lyngdorf is best known for their excellence in digital room correction, yet they also offer preamplification, amplification, and digital disc players.

Air Tight has two new cartridges; the PC1UL (pictured) and PC3 (price TBA). The PC1UL has fewer winding, thicker coil and an impedance of around 1 Ohm. The PC3 is dubbed the 'everyman's' cartridge and will be about half the price of the PC3UL.
Click here for High End 2008