Hi-Fi News' Hi-Fi Show & AV Expo 2002

Our 2002 show coverage marks the
fourth consecutive year Enjoy the Music.com™ has been
chosen as the exclusive official website for the virtual show coverage of Hi-Fi
News' show in London, England. The Hi-Fi Show & AV Expo 2002
was held from September 13th (trade only), 14th and 15th
at the newly refurbished Le Meridien and Renaissance hotels at Heathrow. This is
the key event
in the high-end audio calendar for trade and public alike in the UK. As in our
1999, 2000,
and 2001 show coverage, we do our very best to give you the
feel of the show
while also presenting you new items seen here first anywhere in the world. As always...
Enjoy the music,
Steven R. Rochlin
Friday's Coverage
Sunday's Coverage
Click here to see a
complete listing of show exhibitors.
Click here to see
our previous year's show report.