Volume 11 Number 1
January / February / March 2017
In This Issue
Hi-Fi Magazines Struggling And The Internet
Editorial By Paul Messenger
4 Stan's Safari No37
In which Stan asks some pertinent questions about 'high end' pricing
6 Sound & Vision Bristol 2017
Jason Kennedy reports from Britain's biggest annual hi-fi show
8 MP3 Re-Evaluated
Keith Howard looks at the sometimes surprising results of evaluating digital compression

11 MQA – Is The Tide Turning?
Andrew Everard asks whether MQA is finally coming of age – or is it just an
Article By Andrew Everard
14 Leema Tucana Anniversary Edition
Martin Colloms assesses a substantially re-worked version of the Tucana II integrated amplifier

16 McIntosh MP100 With Analog And Hi-Res Audio Digital Output
Andrew Harrison reviews McIntosh's first ever phono stage, complete with
digital output.
Review By Andrew Harrison
18 Jern14 DS
A miniature speaker made of cast iron? Just add subwoofers to get close to the
21 DSD: Revival Or Throwback?
Andrew Everard delves deeply into digital audio, discovering a crucial link between
DSD and analogue
24 The Silver Disc's Golden Age
Julian Musgrave rounds up no fewer than five serious CD/SACD players. Reviewing
the Ayon CD-35, the Esoteric K-01X, the Luxman D-06u, the McIntosh MCD550, and
the T+A PDP 3000 HV
32 MFA Reference Phono Amplifier Andrew Harrison tries one of the most elaborate and costly phono stages around
34 Music Boxes
Martin Colloms examines the dramatic sales explosion of sound docks and Bluetooth
music boxes.
38 Heresy?
Richard Dunn (NVA) and Paul Messenger provocatively examine the future of the hi-fi
40 User Experiences Matter
Technology journalist Peter Aylett states that hi-fi must improve the user-experience for
younger consumers
42 NAD C 368
One of three new digital amplifiers, Andrew Everard, checks out a modern NAD integrated amplifier
44 Lejonklou Boazu + Gaio
Chris Frankland tries an ultra-simple integrated amplifier and phono stage from
Sweden's Lejonklou
47 PS Audio Lanrover
USB audio isn't all it could be, so Andrew Everard describes a clever idea from the
48 HiFiCRITIC Awards 2016
Our retrospective awards come in three forms: Audio Excellence, Recommended and
Best Buy
50 Index To Vol 10 (2016)
52 Favouritew Things
Kevin Fiske picks out ten long-term favourites from his record collection
54 Jazz Picks
Greg Drygala selects six new and noteworthy jazz releases
56 The Best Classical
Several recent classical releases reviewed by Colin Anderson
58 Dreaming Awake
Julian Musgrave describes a fascinating 2x CD release from Philip Glass
59 Rock, Pop And Other Nice Music
Nigel Finn is unwell, so Richard Clews is helping out
60 Subjective Sounds
Paul Messenger's usual miscellany

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