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Hi-Fi+ Magazine
Issue 61   October 2008

hi-fi+ Issue 61 October 2008    Hi-fi+ is a bi-monthly magazine that is serious about hi-fi. Our articles are intended to help you get the best from your system, rather than simply telling you to buy another one. Our reviews only cover product that we think is worthwhile. You can read more about that by looking at our reviews policy, but lets just say that our attitude to equipment is rather different, and we hope, much more informative. We haven't forgotten that hi-fi is supposed to be fun!


1 Editorial By Roy Gregory

5 Columns

17 Letters


18 Win £3500 worth of cables 
and equipment supports from 
The Chord Co. and Sonority Design


Hi-Fi+ Product Of The Year Awards 2008
21 Seventeen of the best from the last 12 Months 


54 The Speaker They Said They'd Never Build...
The MartinLogan CLX Full-Range Electrostatic Loudspeaker

65 Ring A Ring A Roses... Or - what happens when reviewers escape the editorial leash

66 Wilson Audio Duette Loudspeaker

70 Wadia 581 CD/SACD Player

74 PS Audio Power Plant Premier

78 David Berning Quadrature Z Mono-Blocs

82 Cairn Tornado 192 CD Player

86 Thorens TD160 HD Record Player

90 Copland CTA 405 Integrated Amplifier

94 Spendor SA1 Loudspeaker

98 Grand Prix Audio Monaco Turntable

102 Wadia 170i Transport

106 Abingdon Music Research AMR CD 77 CD Player

110 Acoustic Energy AE22 Loudspeaker


Hi-Fi+ Records Of The Year 2008

114 Our writers choose their favourite recordings

126 Esbjörn Svensson R.I.P.
Looking back over the recorded output of e.s.t.


93 Hi-Fi+ Awards Calendar

97 Binders

101 Back Issues 

109 Subscriptions

113 Advertisers Index


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