Home Entertainment 2003 Hi-Fi and Home Theater Event

Sunday Page 2
By Steven R. Rochlin
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Seen in quite a few rooms was the Richard Grey power-filtering
device ($779 for model 400).

The new Wilson Benesch loudspeakers. Alas, could not find anyone to give me more details. Curious....

Alchmist's integrated stereo amplifier ($3,800) produces 70 watts per channel using four 6550 output tubes per channel. It provides four inputs via gold-plated RCA jacks and sturdy WBT loudspeaker binding posts appear at the rear. Note the lovely Lucite highlights!

It never ceases to amaze me every time i see the V.Y.G.E.R. Indian Signature turntable with their linear tracking tonearm.
Simply stunning!

Tannoy had their new Eyris IDP ($25,000 for a 5.1 system) that
is a fully amplified 500 watt per channel (1,000 watt for subwoofer) digital loudspeaker. Built-in room correction is included and is inputted via computer and Crestron and AMX. Impressive, most
impressive indeed.

Elusive Disc's booth was packed with both vinyl and digital
discs for sale to the public and trade alike.
Click here for page 3.