We Transformed The Famous E. Brad Meyer Into
Last week we had the honor to attend our very first Boston Audio Society
(BAS) meeting. Once there we found some nit picky geeks, propeller heads, slide rule
users, pocket protector wearin'... and even a few cool dudes too. While there we also saw
Mr. E. Brad Meyer!!! Mr. Meyer has appeared in magazines such as Stereophile, Stereo
Review, Audio, etc. He has also engineered quite a few recordings (one of which is on a
Stereophile test CD no less). When we saw him we just knew he NEEDED the full "Enjoy
the Music" transformation.
Just look at this picture below:

Before the Enjoy the Music treatment.
THIS is a prime example of "reviewer-itus". As you can see, in
it's final stages it can be almost fatal. The way his head leans in that "Why, um,
yes. I am a reviewer" angle. The way his stance is so rigid and unyielding. Just LOOK
AT IT!!! Well, we here at Enjoy the Music immediately dispatched our best man to the
scene. Once there he used our most progressive techniques of modern medicine to
successfully transform and revitalize Mr. E. Brad Meyer to one almost totally cool dude
(hey, even Enjoy the Music can't perform miracles so give us a break will ya).
Now look at Mr. E. Brad

Mr. E. Brad Meyer after our treatment.
Be careful what cha say to Mr. E. Brad Meyer now!!! Notice his stance. All
nice and relaxed BUT he could also spring into action at any time and kick your butt all
around the room. See the way his head is tilted. Like he's about to say in a deep voice
"Go ahead, make my day." So we here at Enjoy the Music asked him "What's
your next project Mr. Meyer?" He told us to bug off and stuff!!!
Sheeeeeeet, talk
about gratitude!!! MAN, i mean he almost kicked MY butt. So i just ran outta the room and
later slashed the tires on his car. Paybacks are h@ll!!! So go on with your bad self
brother Meyer. All of us here at Enjoy the Music humbly bow to your higher coolness. Can
ya dig it?