April 2011 Capacitor Musings Part
3 Difficulty Level
KP1832 Polypropylene Film and Foil Capacitor A good bypass cap applied correctly, with some luck thrown in, does not make the sound brighter like some may think, but it actually makes the lower-treble to upper-midrange area sound even smoother. It's almost as if some of the peakiness in that range moves over to the very high treble, which translates into more ambience and sense of space. I have heard similar effects with speakers when adding in a good supertweeter, not turned up too high of course. An example of a good capacitor that benefits from a bypass capacitor like this is the Jupiter Beewax capacitor. This is a capacitor I have always liked due to its natural tone and plenty of lively treble presentation. When compared to good Teflon, it does seem a bit less ruler-flat through the upper ranges with some of the very top-end ambience muted. Bypassing the Jupiter capacitor with ERO KP1832 resulted in a more linear and smooth sound with better ambience and air, making a good capacitor even better. KP1832 is so promising as bypass, I hope to try them as coupling capacitors, but larger values do not seem easy to come by unfortunately.
Copper Foil Paper-In-Oil Capacitor I would say the difference in character between copper and tin is larger than between tin and aluminum, yet all three versions share similar presentations, which is no doubt due to the exactly identical construction except for the foil material. All share a well-balanced clarity with great detail resolution, at least for PIO's, and above all, music is well-served. This does not make it any easier to describe precisely how the copper and tin sound different, but I do have a few observations. With the copper, there is a little more attention-grabbing presence or copper-glow, mainly in the midrange, which can be described as slightly rounder yet with a fraction more detailing of the texture. Both female and male voices step forward half a step closer while the high and low frequencies remain similar to the tin foil version. This "mien," if you will, is mildly reminiscent of the Jensen copper PIO, yet the AmpOhm copper seems to have better clarity and extension at both ends of the spectrum. However, it is difficult to say whether the copper version is conclusively "better" than the other versions because they are sufficiently different that one can work better than the other in a given system configuration. While the tin foil version is a little less attention-grabbing, in certain situations, it's slightly more self-effacing demeanor may go a long way. Fortunately, all these versions are well-priced that one can try them all and choose the most synergistic part for his musical tastes.
Beewax Paper HT Capacitor Fortunately, the Jupiter capacitor has been redesigned using a reinforced and improved beeswax paper as well as a non-drip casing rated for higher operating temperatures. The older version was not recommended for temperature greater than 110 F, but the new version is reported safe up to 176 F. In addition, all the new versions come with solid-silver leadout wires terminating the aluminum foil, whereas the older version came with either copper or silver wires. It really appears to be a completely new design, as one can see from the picture below of the old and new design in the same uF/voltage value.
Is there any sonic difference with the new version? Well, it’s nothing to write home about, but the new version may have a touch smoother low-treble/upper-mids while the old version may be slightly livelier. I would hesitate to bet any significant amount of money on anyone being able tell them apart reliably, though. Another confounding factor is that the old version I have has copper leadouts while the new ones all come with silver. It is possible this alone could account for much of the perceived difference. I have written before about how bypassing the old Jupiter with ERO KP1832 Polypropylene film and foil capacitor improves the hall ambience and air, and this still holds true for the new version. Listening closer this time, the improved upper harmonics also seems to make the bass appear tighter, which seems counter-intuitive but easily demonstrable by covering one’s tweeters and observing subjective loss of bass tightness. At any rate, Jupiter plus a good film and foil bypass remains one of my favorites for those who want a natural, earthy sound combined with detail.
K75-10 Hybrid Paper and Polyethylene Terephthalate In Oil Capacitor I can report that K75-10 sounds extremely unique, quite different from K40Y PIO and any other true PIO one cares to mention, including Vitamin Q, Jensen, and AmpOhm. It has a very saturated, colorful, textured, and detailed midrange that is thick and juicy. While PIO’s are known for their natural and smooth midrange, K75 seems to add some jest, pop, and color to the proceedings, yielding an apparently more detailed and forceful presentation. Treble and bass is pretty good, especially for an oil cap, but the leading edges are not razor-sharp and precise like premium film caps. Since the midrange is so involving and palpable, the lack of equal force in treble makes it seem a bit dark overall, but as one increases the volume, this becomes less of an issue, and poorly-recorded music is much more tolerable at higher volume. The sound is rather addicting in its presentation and can even be called delicious in what it does well, kind of reminiscent of biting into a ripe peach. The line dividing “colorful” and “colored” is thin, and while K75-10 likely leans a bit to the latter, I quite enjoy its substantial sound and prefer it to the thin, plasticky sound many other capacitors represent.