The SuperCables
CookBook By Allen Wright
Here is a book that'll possibly save you some righteous fundage! It is by Allen Wright and called The SuperCables CookBook. Allen's book has been very positively reviewed in quite a few 'high-end' magazines too. His book covers interconnects, speaker wires, video cables, digital cables, and power cables which are based on good theory. A few also are quite creative and well worth the effort to make. Cables of the likes of Flatline and braided as well as digital are covered to a good extent. If your a mathematician there's plenty of formulas which are also covered like Faraday's Law, Ampere's Law, Gauss' Law, etc. But don't let that put you math delinquents like me from not buying this book. There is a good amount of theory covered , yes, though it's also written in simple terms that even i can understand (a miracle)! What's really cool is that the great article by Malcolm Omar Oxford's titled "The Essex Echo" is also reprinted in this book. That alone is almost worth the cost of admission. With simple tools you can be making your own cables in no time. There are more then ten different speaker cables, eleven interconnects, seven digital cables, five video cables, and three electrical cable do it yourself projects available. Ok, so Allen does try to hock off his special foil and stuff in a few of them, though all in all you can find most of the stuff needed locally at Radio Shack (Tandy) and an electrical supply store. The whole point is that you will enjoy reading the book and learn quite a bit. Another benefit is by trying a few of the humbly suggested projects you can be making your own cables in no time. Who knows, you could possibly even start making some for all your music lovin' buddies too! Just saw a few positive comments in the most recent edition of Listener magazine about this book (Autumn 1997 from the files of the Audio Police). So what cha waiting for? This book is highly and humbly recommended.
The SuperCables CookBook by Allen Wright Cost: Inside Europe is €35 including postage