Birthday Celebration 2003
The Month Long Event!

Vermont Days!
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A short drive to Burlington (Vermont) and we found ourselves on the shore of
Lake Champlain. After lunch and some shopping we made our way to the next main

Bearly beyond the horizon, as the suspense became unbearable, was...

...a beary special place where...

...they make Teddy bears! That's right, we had arrived at the Vermont Teddy Bear
Company factory! These are very special, handmade bears that can be
custom made to one's liking. Naturally we took the factory tour and made our
very own bears.

Sometimes bears have a hard life and need to go to the hospital.

More hospital photos.

One of my birthday gifts was in making my very own custom bear.
Meet Enzo
He is a great designer and driver of sports cars.
Of course he only
drives a Beararri, ummm, i mean Ferrari :-)
Click here for many more photos!