Birthday Celebration 2003
The Month Long Event!

Ferrari Day! Page 1
While there is no place like
home, quite a few good friends came from many miles around to join in the
Ferrari get together at my home. This event included not just great friends,
but wonderful discussions, fresh steaks, corn, my special fresh-baked garlic rolls, cigars, wine,
beer, and espresso! As opera music filled the air, several people from the neighborhood enjoyed seeing five Ferrari cars in this small town
of population 3,000. As if five Ferrari cars are not enough, plans are
for seven or more cars to appear this fall!

Steve's daily driver 1985 Euro 308GTS QV.

Richard's true racing Porsche. Amazing!
Note the turbo intercooler!

Richard's Porsche is a stripped down interior roll cage jobbie!
The wide tires are supported with a very tight suspension,
and she is probably hell on wheels!

Verell and John check our Richard's ride.

Verell's 1983 Euro 308GTS QV.

John's 348

Click here for many more photos!