UK Audio 2023 Show Report
The UK Audio Show at Staverton Park Hotel took place on the 7th and 8th of October 2023. The beautiful location is in the countryside and beside a golf course. The weather was too good for being indoors but a great hi-fi show was worth the sacrifice! The show was expertly organized by Chester Group, which operates internationally and has been running the UK show since 1997.
As visitors to the show checked in they were greeted by a car audio room where Driving Sounds magazine was showing cars with audio installations by FOUR MASTERs using equipment by Audison. This was a different and interesting start to the HiFi show. Demos were available, they showed what's possible with in-car audio.
Kicking things off with a patriotic carpet were Acoustic Energy who previewed their new flagship Corinium loudspeakers, they were being driven by Naim electronics. This has been a three-year development project, details will be on the Acoustic Energy website later in the Autumn.
It didn't take anyone long to get acquainted with the two robots navigating the ground floor corridor and reception, as there were making marketing materials available to visitors. The robots were rather cute and quite good at avoiding collisions.
Henley Audio was showcasing several products they distribute. The re-born Musical Fidelity A1 was playing center-stage. I certainly felt pangs of nostalgia as I used to own an original A1. The A1 was driving a pair of Klipsch Forte speakers. A more expected pairing might have been the much more diminutive Musical Fidelity LS3/5A but the room was much larger than most domestic settings, hence the Klipsch were wheeled out.
Another Musical Fidelity product on display was their tricky-to-photograph M8XTT turntable along with the Nu-Vista Vinyl 2 phono stage.