Industry Dinner And Lifetime Achievement Awards
Since I'm not really into headphones (although I need replacement foam for my Grado SR80e workhorse cans) I won't pretend to be an expert.
The logo of this Canadian micro-business is a bit confusing, though a search on the web suggests the name is Princess Pasta Audio, not Pasta Audio Princess. They teamed up with Orchard Audio and Geshelli Labs to give people a listen. And people were gathered around to listen. Anyhow, Pasta la Vista, baby! On to the next table.
Here was yet another display of Focal headphones.
Jerome Fragman (L) is frequently encountered at the Canadian shows. Michele and Edward O'Herlihy of EQ Audio were holding down this large EQ Audio headphone corner at EARVANA.
In the opposite corner on the right side of the room was the Grado display with a tent set up for some "Midnight at the Oasis" listening. I had a nice long chat with the gentleman in the blue shirt, above.
Sennheiser's display took up a major portion of the right wall of the room.
I had been alerted to the display of their "piece-de-resistance," the marble-encased HE-1 headphone / amplifier rig, seen above with a serious turntable, but by this time in the afternoon I had completely forgotten about it. Hopefully, it will find its way down to the Capital Audiofest 2024 show and I'll have a chance to redeem myself. The B&W photo above will have to suffice until then.
Looking across the room in the photo above is a large banner to draw attention to that Sennheiser flagship, but I missed it. In the foreground was the Audiowise table with the off-grid rig.
SPL has been trying to make headway in high-end audio for several years now after becoming successful on the pro-audio side of the industry.