Toronto Audiofest 2023 Show Report
Room 446 Kennedy HiFi, IsoAcoustics, Focal, And Naim
The IsoAcoustics Gaia speaker footers started a trend a few years ago that has been adopted by a few speaker manufacturers as well as spawned some competition. My very favorable review of the Stack Audio Auva footers for speakers will appear in the December issue. (Sorry for the blatant self-promotion.) But seriously, this type of footer is posing serious competition for the traditional use of spikes... as well as raising the price. But the result is an improvement in sound quality. If you had planned ahead, you would have come prepared and taken advantage of the 20% off Show Promo on IsoAcoustics Zazen isolation platforms, Gaia footers, Orea footers, and more.
Room 448 EuroLux And On A Higher Note
The speakers, this time, were the new Graham Audio LS8/1F speakers ($11,500, all pricing in this room is USD.) in a refreshingly modern light finish. It is a three-way, but unusual in that it has a woofer, tweeter, and super-tweeter. Next to the tweeter is a switch allowing O, +1, and -1dB control of the tweeter to adjust the sound to your room. Unlike that "other" British speaker brand, the visible screws are on the back, rather than on the front baffle — a very welcome touch for those who are sensitive about their décor. The red turntable was the familiar Bergmann Audio "Modi" air bearing turntable with the "Modi" air bearing, linear tracking tonearm ($17k for both). The cartridge was a Grado Sonata 3 Timbre MM cartridge ($800) which probably contributed to the music being so inviting. Below that was the familiar Moon River 404 Reference integrated amp ($5,995) and 505 phono stage ($5,995) with a lot more adjustment than you typically see on a phono stage. The rack was an Artesania Audio Prestige ($5,800) with an Artesania Krion turntable platform adding another $4,800. I'll check out that rack more closely at CAF as it looks like the top shelf might be height-adjustable. The cabling was Cardas "Clear", as were the power cords. Like I said of a rig earlier on this floor, this is the quality of gear and music that you can buy once, and then devote your leisure time to enjoying your music for the rest of your life. Good show, Mr. O'Hanlon!
That wraps up the 4th Floor and Part 1 of this report. I'll be back with Part 2 on the 3rd shortly. Meanwhile, enjoy the music.
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