Toronto Audiofest 2022 Show Report
Part 3
The Audio Pro had a silent display of little Bluetooth speakers, but they are also purveyors of multi-room speakers and subwoofers. They were grabbing a toe-hold at the show.
FiiO is a well know brand at this point and their table was visited frequently during the show. Enjoy the Music.com has very favorably reviewed FiiO hi-res personal / portable audio equipment.
PS Audio is a direct marketer in the USA, but in Canada, they are imported by Nexus International, Inc. They had a complete rig set up using Kimber Kable, but when I entered the room the two show-goers in the room were preoccupying the presenter with tales of all the PS gear they own. No music was playing, nor was I asked if I would like to listen to the rig, so I took a photo and left.
This brought me around to where I started on the Second Floor. I caught Stephan, one of the partners in Oracle, Eli Gershman, and Jacques Riendeau of Oracle chatting it up. As the day was moving on, I begged off their invitation to have another listen and took the nearby elevators down to the Lobby level where many more rooms awaited.
I'll finish up the show report with the ground floor rooms in Part 4 in a few more days. I'll also mention what I thought were the Best Rooms at the show. In the meantime, keep on rockin'... or as our Creative Director Steven R. Rochlin would say, enjoy the music.
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