Salon Audio Montréal Audiofest Show Report Part
St. Laurent 2 MarketPlace
There were numerous LP vendors. This was one of several such tables.
ProStudioMasters were selling high-rez downloads, I think.
Layton Audio was into headphones, but that "Silver Fox" headphone amp looked killer!
FiiO is an annual table at both Montreal and Toronto.
This was not the American Motorcycle Association, but a different AMA, the Association Montrealaise des Audiophiles at their annual stake-out.
Grado, of course, with a variety of fine headphones — reminding me that I forgot to thank Michel Plante for the repair parts for my war-torn SR 80e headphones that I use for my video notes for these show reports.
Canopee, with various fine wood for shelves and amp stands...
...as well as complete equipment racks.
Even used CDs are becoming a commodity.
Vintage Chris deals in vintage gear, as witnessed by this vintage Tannoy corner speaker from back in the age of monaural records and radio.
RoomService Ltd will come to your home and tweak your system, as well as inspect your phono cartridge with that cool microscope next to the laptop.
And look at this! The tube guys were back today! Louis Croteau of Café Audiophile found four out of five were bad in at least one plate, but the fifth tube...!!!
The 5U4 GB RCA Electron Tube, Made in the U.S.A. N.B. tipped the meter to 94 on one plate and just a little below that, maybe 90, on the other plate.
His friends all gathered around to look at it and marvel at the deep black plates. NOS at its finest! They checked prices online and told me it was worth $120 to $180. Woo-Hoo!!!
One of the guys was so impressed he took a photo of it. My problem is, the amp I need this tube for is the one for my TV rig? Do I want to use up this primo tube with my wife watching Stupid TV at night? Or should I just order a non-Russian JJ tube from Slovenia? Decisions, decisions.
St. Laurent 1 Conferences/Seminars
Another booth at the bottom of the escalators was by Audio Technica where they displayed a couple of their turntables and had listening stations for their headphones.