RMAF 2019 Show Report Part 2
Ay conversation with Frank Schroder ran overtime and a crowd of a hundred or more had gathered at the Industry Cocktail Party sponsored by Enjoy The Music.com. Ron got in line for another drink while I abstained from this round, chalking it up to the altitude and the empty stomach. The hors d'oeuvres that appeared before me, however, were instantly consumed. Forgetting to take a general shot of the long lines at the two bars and the hundred plus industry luminaries, I met some interesting people including Ralf E. Dieckmann of Prescott, Arizona, who has evolved a unique tonearm that keeps the phono cartridge perfectly aligned in the groove as the radius decreases. I visited his booth in the Marketplace on Sunday. Jeff Joseph is a familiar acquaintance as he has been a mainstay at the Canadian shows over the years. He was talking with Steve Roswell from Audio Classics in Vestal, NY, near Binghamton, who specializes in repair and resale of used McIntosh gear.
I have an offer to review one of their vintage tuners that I may take them up on this winter. And finally, I was surprised to see our Creative Director Steven R. Rochlin made it to the party after hearing his flight in would be running late and thus would not make it into town until much later in the evening. At first, I though his shirt read "Eat, Sleep, Drug," yet getting a closer look I made out the graphic drum kit and the words "Eat, Sleep, Drum". To each, his own sport. Steven's is seen here talking with Jeff Dorgay of TONEAudio magazine.
Ron Nagle and I retired to the Hotel Tracker and made our way to the nearby Ruby Tuesday restaurant before finally retiring at our conventional hotel. It was a very interesting first day and we were anxious to see what kind of a crowd would show up for the first public day of the show. With all the rooms open for business on Friday, it would be easier to take a more systematic and efficient approach to our show coverage.
Much more to come!
---> My part three RMAF 2019 show report is at this link.
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