This room featured a speaker I had not heard of, the Sonner Allegro Unum ($9950 per pair), a two-way ported standmount incorporating a 6" magnesium cone mid-woofer crossed over at 2kHz to a 1" ring dome tweeter. The system was simple, a C.A.P.S v3 Zuma server, Hegel H360 ($5700), and cables from Kimber and Nordost.
Gunawan Surya, Sonner's President, told me one of his design options is aimed at helping an audiophile blend his system into a livingroom environment without looking out of place. He gives you a choice of white or black for the body of the speaker, a molded curved slanted cabinet with an aluminum front baffle, and then offers a selection of front baffle covers that attach magnetically, and the covers have a wide range of colors and looks, so you can match the decor even if it changes as all you need to do is change the front cover to blend with any new decor. Faceplates that are wood are $300 per pair, and leather $400 per pair.
I heard The Beatles' "I Saw Her Standing There" and remembered how fresh and different they sounded back then, uncluttered, simple, great vocals, Ringo's sparse drums. Gunawan then let Stevie Ray Vaughn rip and I got a nice big soundstage, good dynamics, the Allegro's disappeared, and the searing guitar dominated, I really had a good time in this room.
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