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Montréal Audiofest 2024 Show Report


Part 3: Montreal Audiofest Chronicles 2024
Investigating the 2300 Hallway at the Montreal audiophile show.
Montreal Audiofest 2024 Show Report By Rick Becker



2342 Technics And ABSOLU par Centre Hi-Fi

Technics has a straight-forward looking room and I got all excited about listening to two of their turntables – the $20k flagship direct drive SL 1000RE-S with separate power supply on the left, and either the S-1200GR2 ($2200) or the SL-1200G-S ($4300) on the right. Neither was in action as I listened to Paul Simon's "Diamonds On The Souls Of Her Shoes" through the stand-mounted Triangle speakers. When the song ended the room host mentioned they were featuring streaming today which may have explained why I thought the song sounded like a different version than the one I have on the compilation CD I use for reviewing. No matter. I moved on to the next room, disappointed that I wouldn't hear these highly reviewed turntables.



2346 Sennheiser


Sennheiser had a pair of rooms. This first one featuring a table full of headphone stations apparently all running off the same server and amplifier, was strangely empty, though it was likely past mid-afternoon at this point. There were a couple of additional stations just off-camera as well.



2349 Sennheiser


The second room was quite dark, but say, is that Tom Cruise peeking in the window from the duck pond? There was some kind of soundbar or surround sound demonstration going on here.



More Montreal Audiofest Coverage Coming Soon.
That's it for the 2300 hallway but don't worry, a few more zigzags and I will be in the 2400 hallway in Part 4. Please stop back in a few days.




---> Onward to Rick's Montreal Audiofest 2024 show report part 4.


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