Hong Kong Audio Visual Show 2016 Report
HKAVE 2016 Show
Report By Cheung Roger
Some audio firms make devices as complicated as they can with four box SACD
player and four boxes amplifier being good examples. GOLDMUND goes the opposite
way with their DAC that has a built-in pre-amplifier or their speaker that have
amplification power built-in too. The easy system EIDOS REFERENCE BLUE + No.32.5 + LOGOS SATYA sounds big and good bass.
Albedo EAR And EAR Yoshino
The new Italian ALBEDO ALECTA using all ACCUTON units, and mounted a damping material from both
sides were powered by EAR Yoshino tube source and amplifier. It was a joy to say hello to TIM DE PARAVICINI and OLIVA,
as they are old friends of Hong Kong show.
Estelon And Chord
The entire CHORD set including RED REFERENCE as transport, DAVE as DAC, preamp. CPA8000 and power amp. SPM14000MKII
was put to excellent use with the ESTELON YB speakers.
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