Deja Vu South In Miami, Florida
If you're seeking esoterica within truly ultra-luxury high-fidelity then look no further than retailer Deja Vu South located in Miami, Florida. Rejoice, as those who know, well then you know when i say all vintage parts including chassis. These are truly hand built in Italy designs by D'Urso Cataldo (Aldo).
Basically, Deja Vu South ships parts to Italy, then Aldo builds all of these units personally. How super duper high-end are we talking about here? They very carefully listen to virtually each and every part within the preamplifier to ensure sound performance and reliability. They go through the troubles of matching vintage capacitors, resistors, etc within every unit. Naturally this takes quite a bit of time, yet truly worth it for those seeking to reach audio nirvana.
As for the sound, and they were sporting a cool vintage Otari reel-to-reel my friends.... Did i forget to mention all Western Electric ultra-fidelity bits.
You know, tube amplifiers...
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Do you want more foreplay before i give you the happy ending?
Check out the controls and bits on the vintage Otari reel-to-reel unit.
Ok, enough teasing and time for the pleasing. In two words: Great sound! Want more words? Really, just so impressive on every level! Ok, maybe that's not all that mumbo jumbo audiophile-speak you were looking for, yet you know what I mean. When you hear an audio system and it just sounds incredible.... You immediately know. Intrinsically.
Deja Vu Audio South Equipment List Preamp: Deja Vu Audio vintage collection Aldo Preamp DAC: Deja Vu Audio vintage collection Aldo DAC Power Amps : Deja Vu Audio Vintage collection WE 124
mono amplifiers Turntable: Thorens TD 124 turntable with Ortofon AS212 CD Player: Lector Audio CD603 Tube CD player Vintage Otari 5050 Reel to Reel player
Within another room was a variety of Audio Note UK gear. As expected, very musical!
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