Aurender, EMM Labs, GIK, Merrill Audio, And Muraudio
Once again there must be something great about the hotel's exhibit rooms that bring great sound, of course it is aided by great gear and music too. With Aurender and EMM Labs front-end gear combined with Merrill Audio's always-impressive amplification driving Muraudio's innovative speakers, hopes were high for excellent sound. And this room did not disappoint!
Super fast highs were joined by glorious mids and enough bass for acoustic music lovers. A wide and deep soundfield, where each instrument was comfortably within their proper acoustic space. Another room where i wish there was more time to sit and listen, yet there are about 30 other rooms to be reported on and so had to continue my Florida Audio Expo journey.
Also love how GIK acoustic panels were put to good use. More and more show exhibitors have discovered the advantages of proper acoustics, especially when it comes to the first reflection point. If you haven't modded your room for proper acoustics, GIK room treatments are an excellent choice with a wide variety of solutions.
Would love to also write more, yet i have to create another 30 or so web pages / rooms. Why, oh why is it there is so little time within my life during shows? Biz meetings, getting new gear for the guys... and thankfully my Muse / Wife Heather makes sure i stop and, you know, actually eat food (and sleep, occasionally). Great room, impressive sound!
Here's a gear listing:
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